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still not received vs still have not received

Both phrases are correct, but they are used in slightly different contexts. "Still not received" is more commonly used in informal situations, while "still have not received" is more formal. The choice between them depends on the level of formality you want to convey.

Last updated: March 24, 2024 • 1939 views

still not received

This phrase is correct and commonly used in informal contexts.

This phrase is used to indicate that something has not been received up to the present moment.


  • I ordered the package last week, but it's still not received.
  • The email is still not received by the recipient.
  • We have still not received a reply.
  • It is now Wednesday morning and I have still not received these documents.
  • We have still not received a response.
  • The FAO has still not received any lists of the vessels countries want.
  • The fact is that we have still not received full answers on the approval of the Commission's accounts for 2001.
  • For example, I have still not received a complete list of the people consulted in the 1,500 committees and working parties that exist today.
  • I wrote it in Swedish and I have still not received a reply.
  • It is now precisely six weeks since 9 September and I have still not received an answer.
  • The first day of that has now arrived, and I have still not received a reply.
  • Mr Osanlou is in need of urgent medical treatment, which, we have reason to believe, he has still not received.
  • Given that, to date, the Commission has still not received any information on these maps, it is now considering initiating appropriate actions in accordance with Article 226 of the EC Treaty.
  • On 13 December 2010 the Commissioner responsible replied, stating that the Commission had still not received any official information on the new toll in northern Portugal and that it was waiting for a detailed notification from the Portuguese authorities.
  • Despite a number of efforts, we have still not received a satisfactory answer from the Commission and one which is acceptable to the Council, so the challenge still remains.
  • Firstly, Mr Barroso, I have still not received an answer to the question about the need for these genetically-modified potatoes, which are simply intended to provide industrial starch.
  • We have still not received any explanation of the fact that the internal auditor employed up until May 2004 was in no position to produce any auditor's reports.
  • Where are you registered, and what have you still not received?
  • Incidentally, I have still not received an explanation from the Commission why lawyers, consultancy bureaus and agents concerned with the transport of goods qualify as exceptions able to use the reverse charges system.
  • That is nearly six months ago, Mr President, and I have still not received an answer.
  • One point four million victims have still not received any help.
  • We have still not received the consolidated version you promised.


  • still haven't received
  • not received yet

still have not received

This phrase is correct and more formal than "still not received".

This phrase is used in formal contexts to indicate that something has not been received up to the present moment.


  • We have still not received the payment for the services rendered.
  • The company has still not received the signed contract.
  • I still have not received any reply from Iberia.
  • We still have not received them.
  • Therefore, I still have not received any evidence of the pregnancy from the doctors who had supposedly treated Sheila then.
  • Up until today I still have not received an answer; it is now eleven months after the date the question was put.
  • I should have had a reply on 25 April but still have not received one.
  • I still have not received an explanation for this situation even though I am a representative of the Committee for Transport and Tourism.
  • My withdrawal request was processed on the 6th of December and still have not received it as of the 20th.
  • If you still have not received the letter with the verification PIN, you can upload a double-sided copy of your ID or passport instead.
  • I have engines I ordered two years ago and still have not received.
  • I have requested my password by email but still have not received it.
  • I was then promised a written answer by last Thursday, but that did not happen either and I still have not received an answer.
  • Payments You have payed 10 days ago and you still have not received anything?
  • I was promised it an hour and a half ago this morning and I still have not received it.
  • Finally, if you still have not received the email, you should check with your IT department that the email addresses and are included in the whitelist of trustworthy addresses, in order to ensure that messages arrive properly and are not sent to your junk mail.
  • Account, Payments & Prices I haven't received my registration SMS If after one hour you still have not received the registration SMS with the PIN code, you have to confirm your phone number instead.
  • Please follow the instructions on your email.If you do not have a Tracking number on your email, please don't hesitate to give us a call on +441903 66 00 81 the day after you expected to receive your parcel if you still have not received it.
  • However I have still not received even an acknowledgement of my complaints.
  • That is nearly six months ago, Mr President, and I have still not received an answer.
  • It is now Wednesday morning and I have still not received these documents.
  • We have still not received a reply.


  • still have yet to receive
  • have not received yet

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