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impact not just on vs impact on not just

Both phrases are correct, but they are used in different contexts. "Impact not just on" is used when emphasizing the broader effects of something, while "impact on not just" is used when highlighting the specific elements affected. They are not interchangeable as they convey different nuances.

Last updated: March 19, 2024 • 943 views

impact not just on

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English to emphasize the broader effects of something.

This phrase is used to highlight that the impact extends beyond a single aspect or group, affecting various elements or people.


  • The new policy will have an impact not just on the economy but also on social welfare.
  • Her actions had an impact not just on her colleagues but on the entire organization.
  • The project's success will have an impact not just on the team but on the company as a whole.
  • The social enterprise model has great impact, not just on the organization or the people it serves, but also on the community. Through the services we provide ...
  • Mar 30, 2015 ... Domestic violence had an impact not just on mood but on other mental health aspects as well. These women had a three times higher risk of ...
  • So, being clean has an important psychological impact not just on our judgment of ourselves, but on our perception of others. It's a short step between physically ...
  • Mar 31, 2015 ... Domestic violence had an impact not just on mood but on other mental health aspects as well. These women had a three times higher risk of ...


  • impact not only on
  • impact not solely on
  • impact not merely on
  • impact not exclusively on
  • impact not solely on

impact on not just

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English to highlight specific elements affected by the impact.

This phrase is used to emphasize that the impact is not limited to a single aspect or group but extends to other elements or people.


  • The hurricane's impact on not just the infrastructure but also the local economy was devastating.
  • The policy change had an impact on not just the employees but also the customers.
  • The pandemic's impact on not just healthcare but also education has been profound.
  • This initiative will have a positive impact on not just the culture and capacity of Bell Labs itself but also on the individuals, universities, start-ups and companies  ...
  • We will make an IMPACT on not just 1 show, but 2 SHOWS! An All Ages Show @ 7 PM and a 21 & Over Only Show @ 10 PM! ... Email IPWTickets@yahoo.com ...
  • impact on not just the girls' attitudes about physical activity, but their families', friends', and communities' as well. Every girl who participates in GOTR runs the.
  • “I feel a responsibility to have an impact on not just long term care, but how our country views aging and how our country thinks about older people. I think that ...


  • impact on not only
  • impact on not solely
  • impact on not merely
  • impact on not exclusively
  • impact on not solely

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