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Thanks for your consideration vs Thanks for the consideration

Both phrases are correct and commonly used to express gratitude for someone's consideration. They are interchangeable and convey the same meaning.

Last updated: March 26, 2024 • 4488 views

Thanks for your consideration

This phrase is correct and commonly used to express gratitude for someone's consideration.

This phrase is a polite way to thank someone for taking your needs or feelings into account.


  • Thanks for your consideration in this matter.
  • I appreciate your time and thanks for your consideration.
  • "Thanks for..." - Thanks for your consideration.
  • Thanks for your consideration.
  • Thanks for your consideration.
  • Thanks for your consideration.


  • thanks for the consideration
  • thank you for considering this
  • thank you for your thoughtfulness
  • thank you for your attention
  • thank you for your kindness

Thanks for the consideration

This phrase is correct and commonly used to express gratitude for someone's consideration.

This phrase is a polite way to thank someone for taking your needs or feelings into account.


  • Thanks for the consideration you've shown me.
  • I wanted to thank you for the consideration you've given to my request.
  • They will thank you for the consideration you show in quarantining the post office.
  • Daniel, I wanted to thank you for the consideration you've shown towards the post office.
  • Mr President, ladies and gentlemen, I should like to thank the Commissioner for the consideration he has shown for the proposals that we worked out in committee.
  • We thank the House for its consideration.
  • I thank the Commissioner for her consideration.
  • As a Pole, I should also like to thank her for the thorough consideration given in the report to the situation in the new Member States.
  • I thank the Minister for his consideration in undertaking to reply to the questions in writing.
  • To conclude I would like to thank European Parliament for the detailed consideration it has given to this proposal and for the many helpful amendments which have been contributed.
  • "Thanks for..." - Thanks for your consideration.
  • I'll take that under consideration, thank you.
  • Thank you for your consideration, Madam President: it is an important matter.
  • Thank you for your consideration, Mr. Woolsey, but I assure you it is not necessary.
  • Tonight, thanks to your consideration, I'll take a small dose and sleep peacefully.
  • I would like to thank the three questioners very much for presenting in detail the considerations which led them to formulating the questions.
  • The consideration of the report has been constructive, and indeed inventive, at every stage, for which I should like to thank Mrs Thyssen.
  • Mr President, I would firstly like to thank the rapporteur, Mr Lehne, and the Committee on Legal Affairs and Citizens' Rights for their valuable contribution to the consideration of this proposal.
  • Mr President, I would like to thank the Environment Committee and in particular the rapporteur, Mr Lannoye, for its contribution and for the attention it has given to the consideration of this proposal.
  • In conclusion, I should like to express my warm thanks to the Members of the Commission for the constructive dialogue and their cooperation with Parliament during the consideration of this issue.
  • Mr President, I would like to thank the rapporteur, Mrs Hautala, for her willingness to take into account the considerations and the work of all the political groups.
  • Thanks for - thanks for coming out.


  • thanks for your consideration
  • thank you for considering this
  • thank you for your thoughtfulness
  • thank you for your attention
  • thank you for your kindness

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