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thank you for granting vs thank you for approving

Both phrases are correct, but they are used in different contexts. 'Thank you for granting' is used when someone has given permission or approval for something, while 'Thank you for approving' is used when someone has officially agreed to something. They are both polite ways to express gratitude, but the choice between them depends on the specific situation.

Last updated: March 24, 2024 • 2771 views

thank you for granting

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English to express gratitude for someone giving permission or approval.

This phrase is used to thank someone for allowing or approving something. It is a polite way to express gratitude for the permission granted.
  • Mr. Minister, thank you for granting me this audience.
  • Dear Lord, thank you for granting us the gift of rationalization to allow us to scheme and swindle so that we might honor you.
  • Thank you for granting clarity to someone so undeserving.
  • Thank you, Francis, for granting my release.
  • I thank him for granting my request.
  • I thank my mom For granting me the power to love men
  • I should like to thank you all too and also to express my appreciation of Mother Nature for granting us this marvellous week of springtime which has rendered this lovely city even more beautiful.
  • As far as ecolabelling is concerned, a compromise text has been produced thanks to the combined work of the Council and Parliament together with the Commission, and this text improves the voluntary system for product labelling, particularly by simplifying the system for granting eco-labels.
  • The same criteria should apply for granting a preferred status.
  • The Council of Ministers is the competent authority for granting authorisations.
  • No safety test exists for granting design protection.
  • A maximum deadline for granting permissions should be introduced.
  • This is a for granting discharge.
  • Various other amendments seek to further tighten the criteria for granting extensification aid.
  • This harmonisation should not contribute to a more stringent application of standards for granting refugee status.
  • The proposed Directive clarifies the conditions for granting authorisation to a third country.
  • That is one of the recognized grounds for granting a T visa.
  • 7. as regards the arrangements for granting export refunds:
  • 2. Member States shall make arrangements for granting entitlement to first processors to sign cultivation contracts.
  • If necessary it should propose changes to the current basis for granting aid.


  • thank you for allowing
  • thank you for giving permission

thank you for approving

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English to express gratitude for someone officially agreeing to something.

This phrase is used to thank someone for giving official approval or agreement to something. It is a polite way to express gratitude for the approval received.
  • That is why I should like once again to thank your rapporteur and to thank you for approving this dynamic compromise in favour of this simplification and, in particular, in favour of small and medium-sized enterprises throughout Europe.
  • Thank you for your cooperation in approving this regulation, which is important in statistical terms and also important to defining the future of monetary policy.
  • I would like to thank the European Parliament for approving the Council's common position on the internal electricity market.
  • I would like firstly to thank the Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection for approving the report on 8 April.
  • Again, I would like to thank this House for this discussion and for approving Mrs Willmott's report.
  • I would like to thank the Committee on Regional Development for approving an amendment that I presented on the victims and I hope that plenary will vote in favour of it.
  • This has been resolved by the last amendment and I should like to thank the European Parliament for approving these amendments and the Tomlinson report by the Committee on Budgets.
  • I thank the Conference of Presidents for approving the initiative of the Committee on Women's Rights to draft this report and all the political groups which, with their participation and amendments, have enriched the initial draft of my report.
  • The deadline for approving aid applications is 31 December 2013.
  • The deadline for approving applications is 31 December 2013.
  • Let me also take this opportunity to thank the budgetary authority for approving the support grant for Turkey, estimated at EUR 250 million for next year, and to be paid from the funds for pre-accession strategies;
  • He's responsible for approving the asylum request of Jamal's brother Omar.
  • The deadline for approving applications is 31 December 2013.
  • The deadline for approving aid applications is 30 November 2011.
  • The deadline for approving aid applications is 30 November 2013.
  • The Member States are responsible for approving and monitoring these supervisory agencies.
  • The Lamfalussy approach is a four-level process for approving securities, banking and insurance legislation.
  • Member States or their Länder and regions are therefore responsible for approving local or regional measures to reduce damage by cormorants.
  • The Member States shall be responsible for approving the "fair trade" certification bodies.
  • Your draftsman therefore proposes that the directive adopt a new technical procedure for approving these impact-absorbing bars.


  • thank you for agreeing
  • thank you for endorsing

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