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I got your email with no attachment vs I got your email

Both phrases are correct, but they convey slightly different meanings. The first phrase implies that the email was received without an attachment, while the second phrase simply states that the email was received. The choice between the two depends on whether you want to emphasize the absence of an attachment or just acknowledge the receipt of the email.

Last updated: March 17, 2024 • 1614 views

I got your email with no attachment

This phrase is correct and commonly used to indicate that an email was received without an attachment.

This phrase is used to inform someone that you received their email but it did not contain any attachment.


  • I got your email with no attachment. Please resend the document separately.
  • She mentioned in her email that she had sent the file, but I got your email with no attachment.
  • He confirmed that he received my email with no attachment.
  • They replied saying they got my email with no attachment.
  • We noticed that the email was received with no attachment.


  • I received your email without an attachment.
  • Your email was received without an attachment.
  • I got your email, but there was no attachment.
  • Your email came through, but there was no attachment.
  • I received your email, but it had no attachment.

I got your email

This phrase is correct and commonly used to indicate that an email was received.

This phrase is a simple way to inform someone that you have received their email.


  • I got your email. Thank you for the information.
  • She said she got my email and will reply soon.
  • He confirmed that he got my email.
  • They replied saying they got my email.
  • We noticed that the email was received.
  • Nov 18, 2011 ... my name is Neo, and as I got your email address from Mr Morpheus without having met you in person before, please allow me to introduce ...
  • Yes, I got your email and your voice mail, I just don't care is on Facebook. To connect with Yes, I got your email and your voice mail, I just don't care, sign up for  ...
  • How I Got Your Email Address Without You Knowing · How I Got Your Email Address Without You Knowing. Your privacy on Facebook has been a hot topic, and ...
  • I got your email, but I can't open the attachment. Did you mean to send this? I don' t want to open it in case it's got a virus. Asking for clarification. I'm not sure what ...


  • I received your email.
  • Your email was received.
  • I got your message.
  • Your message came through.
  • I received your communication.

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