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would not have vs would have not

Both "would not have" and "would have not" are correct, but "would not have" is more commonly used in English. The placement of the word "not" after the modal verb "would" is the standard structure in English.

Last updated: March 31, 2024 • 1316 views

would not have

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

This phrase is the standard structure in English when expressing a negative hypothetical situation in the past.


  • I would not have gone if I had known.
  • She would not have passed the exam without studying.
  • They would not have believed him even if he had told the truth.
  • He would not have been late if the traffic hadn't been so bad.
  • We would not have made that mistake if we had been more careful.
  • Montero has some design for California, otherwise he would not have hired Captain Love.
  • France Télécom has therefore secured advantages which it would not have secured under normal market conditions.
  • All this would not have been possible without financial solidarity.
  • La Torre would not have been condemned.
  • Many members of governments would not have survived such scrutiny.
  • It cannot be excluded that certain plant protection products containing abamectine would not have been authorized.
  • This development would not have been possible without measures.
  • This conk to the parietal bone would not have been fatal.
  • Besides, perhaps this advancement would not have been in our interests.
  • They therefore conferred economic benefits on a specific undertaking which it would not have received on normal market terms.
  • In that event, a rebate would not have been necessary.
  • "Hello" would not have been permitted.
  • Mia would not have run away from me.
  • Had the Commission listened, the matter would not have assumed such proportions.
  • The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency has established that a conversion would not have any positive impact.
  • This would not have been possible without the privileged contacts that we had in relation to research programmes.
  • Boromir would not have brought the Ring.
  • Perhaps a man less vain would not have relented.
  • The approach you were taking with that man would not have worked.
  • President Milosevic would not have been arrested had he followed NATO's orders.


  • could not have
  • should not have
  • might not have
  • will not have
  • shall not have

would have not

This phrase is correct but less common in English.

While less common, this structure can still be used in informal contexts. It places the word "not" after the auxiliary verb "have."


  • I would have not believed it if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes.
  • She would have not been able to finish the project without his help.
  • They would have not understood the instructions even if they had read them carefully.
  • He would have not known about the surprise party if we hadn't accidentally mentioned it.
  • We would have not succeeded without the support of our team.
  • The Commission notes that a prudent market economy operator would have not assigned the claim to airBaltic for LVL 1.
  • He would have not only killed you but the rest of your climbing team.
  • This would however be insufficient to restore the initial situation since HSY would have during several years benefited from a guarantee which it would have not received from the market.
  • The Commission therefore concludes that continuous non-enforcement of public-law liabilities represents an advantage that the recipient would have not obtained from a market economy creditor and therefore constitutes State aid similar to an (interest-free) loan.
  • Therefore, the Commission takes the view that as regards Loan 4 and extension 1, FN GmbH has received an economic advantage that it would have not received under normal market conditions [58].
  • In particular, they have not explained why GM would have not undertaken the training activities in question in the absence of aid.
  • The exporting producer offered only one minimum import price (MIP) for all products at a level that would have not guaranteed the elimination of injurious dumping for all products.
  • Again, under normal market conditions and in the absence of the Award, the undertaking would have had to bear its ordinary operating expenses, would have not generated the allegedly lost profits, and would therefore not have been able to draw an interest on this capital.
  • But even under a 'maximum impact' approach, assuming that all Polish sales would have been included in the calculation, the impact would have been marginal and would have not changed the overall picture in view of the relative low sales volumes [5].
  • Further, Romania argues that the aid is necessary because without the governmental commitment to grant training aid, Ford would have not bought the car plant but instead it would have invested in a different location.
  • Another company from Sri Lanka claimed that had it known that the exports to the Union from Sri Lanka could be subject to the anti-dumping duty as extended to Sri Lanka as from the initiation of the investigation, it would have not withdrawn its request for exemption.
  • In view of the difficult situation of HSY, a private bank would have required securities that could be enforced rapidly and with certainty, and would have not been satisfied with security of which the value could be zero in certain circumstances.
  • In any event, even if one of the Community producers concerned were excluded from the definition of the Community industry, as argued by the abovementioned parties, such a development would have not affected the overall conclusions on the situation of the Community industry.
  • In the end, such a distinction would have not changed the final State aid assessment of the measure, which was that in the Commission declared the measure selective because of its intrinsic features, i.e. not allowing the amortisation of financial goodwill in Spanish-Spanish transactions.
  • It indicates that, starting from the hypothesis that without the aid it would have not been able to carry out the project, it would have difficulties in relocating the [...] full-time equivalent jobs of staff who have been working on the project.
  • It would have not have been possible without profound knowledge of the issue.
  • It must be obvious that such an approach would have not insignificant redistribution effects.
  • He may reveal something to you which he otherwise would have not.
  • Ferrante would have not agreed to the match without it.
  • This excludes risks stemming from potential liability to pay state aid as these would have not been incurred by a market economy investor [45].


  • could have not
  • should have not
  • might have not
  • will have not
  • shall have not

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