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appreciated the work team vs appreciated the effort of

Both phrases are correct, but they are used in different contexts. 'Appreciated the work team' is used when expressing gratitude towards a group of people for their work, while 'appreciated the effort of' is used to acknowledge the hard work or dedication of individuals. They are not directly comparable as they convey appreciation in different ways.

Last updated: March 24, 2024 • 1210 views

appreciated the work team

This phrase is correct and commonly used when expressing gratitude towards a team for their work.

This phrase is used to show appreciation for the collective efforts of a team in completing a task or project.


  • I appreciated the work team for their dedication and commitment to the project.
  • You may join the work team in Block 3.
  • Darnell appreciated the work and so did I.
  • It's way safer, and they keep the work teams small.
  • I'd rather tonight's dinner be only people who appreciated the work.
  • Mr President, Mr Commissioner, ladies and gentlemen, I have greatly appreciated the work carried out by Mr Wiebenga, who has always been very attentive to these topics, and my group will support the general positions assumed by the rapporteur.
  • In particular, I should like to tell my colleagues in the Legal Affairs Committee how much I have appreciated the work we have done over the last five years, and to wish the committee every success in the next parliamentary term.
  • Mr President, ladies and gentlemen, allow me to begin by joining in the tribute you have all paid to Alexandre Lamfalussy and to tell him, on the Commission's behalf, how much we have appreciated the work we have done together.
  • Jacque appreciated the challenges of innovative problem solving.
  • Every unmarried parent there appreciated the suggestion.
  • She really appreciated the cupcakes you made her.
  • Mr Wurtz, I appreciated the discussions we have had together and I particularly appreciated the fact that you supported the right to do politics in Europe.
  • And I think they just appreciated the gesture.
  • But I never appreciated the responsibility they must have felt in raising me.
  • I just made it my own, and my fans clearly appreciated the effort.
  • Josh would have appreciated the final voyage.
  • You would've appreciated the dugpas, Leo.
  • Any other circumstance, I would have appreciated the irony.
  • There are few who have truly appreciated the full implications of enlargement.
  • We very much appreciated the dialogue that was initiated at the time.
  • It appreciated the steps taken by the Government of Pakistan for protecting the rights of religious minorities as equal citizens.

appreciated the effort of

This phrase is correct and commonly used to acknowledge the hard work or dedication of individuals.

This phrase is used to recognize and appreciate the specific efforts put in by individuals in a particular task or project.


  • I appreciated the effort of each team member in completing their assigned tasks.
  • I just made it my own, and my fans clearly appreciated the effort.
  • I particularly appreciated the efforts to put the new technologies in the context of poverty alleviation and the need to ensure that poor people profit from it.
  • My aunt very much appreciated your effort.
  • Its efforts are appreciated throughout the Third World.
  • It feels good to be appreciated for my effort.
  • I should also like to say how much I appreciated the tireless efforts made by the three leaders of the negotiations: the EU special envoy, Wolfgang Petritsch; the US special envoy, Christopher Hill; and the special envoy of the Russian Federation, Boris Mayorski.
  • These people have appreciated our efforts and just the other day confirmed their faith in us by voting for Socialist Party candidates in their local councils.
  • His efforts are much appreciated, his efforts to educate and inform and bring public opinion along were commendable.
  • Heart-warming to know one's efforts are appreciated.
  • Bearing in mind the Commission's much-appreciated efforts in this area to date, what additional measures does it intend to take against Italy, particularly in the light of this latest ruling?
  • Although his efforts are appreciated, it is clear that for the secretariat to function properly, we must firstly have sufficient financial resources and we must also draw up a statute for the officials that work for the Ombudsman.
  • I say again that we really have appreciated our rapporteur's efforts, and also, Mr Marín, that we have a great deal of respect for the views you have expressed, even though we do not always entirely agree with them.
  • The proposed European Industrial Initiative should bring together the efforts of first movers in a network of demonstration projects.
  • COSAC acknowledges the efforts of the Commission to respond to the reactions submitted by national parliaments.
  • You speak about monitoring the efforts of European governments in this area.
  • Fire-fighters continue to lose ground in Majestic despite the efforts of several local agencies.
  • It took the efforts of every man here.
  • At least you've been saved the effort of removing him.
  • This conference was held in Brussels in October thanks to the efforts of Commissioners Fischler and Barnier.
  • It penalises the efforts of galleries who should be focussing on helping artists.

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