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implication for vs implication in

Both "implication for" and "implication in" are correct, but they are used in different contexts. "Implication for" is used when discussing the consequences or effects of something, while "implication in" is used when referring to involvement or connection to something.

Last updated: March 29, 2024 • 961 views

implication for

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

Use "implication for" when discussing the consequences or effects of something. It indicates the impact or significance of a particular situation, action, or decision.


  • The new policy has significant implications for the company's future.
  • His actions have serious implications for the project.
  • What are the implications for the economy?
  • The study explores the implications for social change.
  • The decision has far-reaching implications for the community.
  • More from Merriam-Webster on implication. Thesaurus: All synonyms and antonyms for implication. Nglish: Translation of implication for Spanish Speakers.
  • Social and Emotional Support and its Implication for Health. Maija Reblin. Maija Reblin, MA. 1Department of Psychology and Health Psychology Program ...
  • Special economic zone : performance, lessons learned, and implication for zone development (English). This study analyzes the major development trends in ...
  • Anatomic Study of Innervation of the Anterior Hip Capsule: Implication for Image-Guided Intervention. Reg Anesth Pain Med. 2018 Feb;43(2):186-192. doi ...
  • Mar 19, 2020 ... Characterization of the receptor-binding domain (RBD) of 2019 novel coronavirus: implication for development of RBD protein as a viral ...
  • Public health perspectives of preeclampsia in developing countries: implication for health system strengthening. J Pregnancy. 2011:2011:481095. doi: 10.1155 ...
  • implication for The company is cutting back its spending and I wonder what the implications will be for our department. implication of What are the ...
  • Social and emotional support and its implication for health. Curr Opin Psychiatry. 2008 Mar;21(2):201-5. doi: 10.1097/YCO.0b013e3282f3ad89. Authors. Maija ...
  • Aug 23, 2019 ... Improved precision of epigenetic clock estimates across tissues and its implication for biological ageing. Qian Zhang,; Costanza L. Vallerga ...
  • Developing the skill of endotracheal intubation: implication for emergency medicine. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand. 2012 Feb;56(2):164-71. doi: 10.1111/j.1399 ...


  • consequences for
  • effects on
  • impact on

implication in

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

Use "implication in" when referring to involvement or connection to something. It indicates being a part of or having a relationship with a particular situation, action, or context.


  • She has no implication in the crime.
  • His implication in the scandal was minimal.
  • The company's implication in the project was crucial.
  • There is no implication in his decision.
  • The suspect's implication in the robbery is being investigated.
  • London 1817, your implication in the Poyais scheme.
  • The implication in the rapporteur's report that this regulation may have been delayed because it was being used as a bargaining chip is very worrying.
  • The implication in that case, however, is that we have no influence at all.
  • Amendment No 1 and, in part, Recommendations 5, 15 and 24 make specific reference to contamination caused by radioactive substances which are already regulated by implication in the proposal.
  • In 1999, I asked the Commission about the need to speed up the evaluation of imidacloprid given its potential implication in the high mortality rate among bees in France next to sunflower fields treated with 'Gaucho'.
  • Agrees with the Council to authorise 111 upgradings including 10 requested to modify the Court's administrative structure by creating a new Directorate; takes note that this will not have any other financial implication in the future;
  • What with your government's implication in the OREA bombing and assassinations of the Sitting Senator and the Attorney General of the United States, how much harm could a weekly game of water wiggle between their ambassador and a senator's wife cause?
  • Medical genetics is a specialty that responds to the rapid development of knowledge in the field of genetics and its implication in numerous specialised fields, such as oncology, foetal medicine, paediatrics, chronic diseases.
  • whereas Grigory Pasko had also written articles on the pollution emitted by badly maintained Russian submarines and the secret services' implication in nuclear waste trafficking,
  • Accounting of derivatives is not harmonized in the Union with respect to individual accounts and therefore this could have an implication in the amount of liabilities to be considered for the calculation of the contributions of each bank.
  • We then notice the implications in connection with this report.
  • This had some fatuous implications in the case of China.
  • Borrowing by the EIB has no implications in terms of European fiscal rules.
  • The high number of cancer cases therefore also has many important socio-economic implications in the Member States.
  • Non-participation in an initiative has no implications in terms of SEPA compliance.
  • However, most of these problems had limited business implications in TARGET.
  • The first article analyses the main factors behind global imbalances and reviews possible adjustment mechanisms and policy implications in a financially integrating world.
  • What a Member State does has implications in the other Member States.
  • That in itself has budgetary implications in terms of the money that the European Union gives UNHCR.
  • This book may have implications in a kidnapping.


  • involvement in
  • connection to
  • participation in

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