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chance to vs chance of

Both 'chance to' and 'chance of' are correct, but they are used in different contexts. 'Chance to' is used when referring to an opportunity or possibility to do something, while 'chance of' is used when talking about the probability or likelihood of something happening.

Last updated: March 20, 2024 • 3905 views

chance to

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English when referring to an opportunity or possibility to do something.

Use 'chance to' when you want to express the opportunity or possibility to do something. For example, 'I have a chance to visit Paris next month.'


  • I have a chance to learn a new language.
  • She has a chance to win the competition.
  • Do you have a chance to meet the director?
  • He had a chance to prove himself.
  • We will have a chance to discuss the project tomorrow.
  • "chance to" is typically used when "chance" means "opportunity". "intention of" is very often used in the negative expression "to have no intention of" "intention to" ...
  • 19 hours ago ... Even so, the results suggest that Mr. Rubio might have a real chance to win in a few states, including the Super Tuesday states Minnesota and ...
  • This is your big chance (= opportunity for success). chance of something We won' t get another chance of a holiday this year. chance to do something Please ...
  • A Chance to Change for Your Family: Behavioral Health, Alcoholism & Drug ... If you are looking for addiction counseling or treatment, A Chance to Change is ...


  • opportunity to
  • possibility to

chance of

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English when talking about the probability or likelihood of something happening.

Use 'chance of' when you want to discuss the probability or likelihood of something happening. For example, 'There is a high chance of rain tomorrow.'


  • There is a chance of winning the lottery.
  • What is the chance of success?
  • The chance of getting a promotion is slim.
  • She has a good chance of passing the exam.
  • What are the chances of finding a solution?
  • i)Chance of joining ii)Chance to join (b) i)intention of selling ii) intention to sell. Could someone explain me the differences in meaning? I think both have very ...
  • She has only a slim chance of passing the exam. chance that… ... There is no chance that he will change his mind. chance of something happening What ...
  • Is there any chance of rain? 3. An accidental or unpredictable event. 4. A favorable set of circumstances; an opportunity: a chance to escape. 5. A risk or hazard; ...
  • The mission of Kids' Chance of Georgia. To provide educational scholarships to the children of Georgia workers who have been seriously, catastrophically or ...


  • likelihood of
  • probability of

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