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recognized for best satisfying vs recognized in best satisfying

Both phrases are incorrect. The preposition 'for' is commonly used after 'recognized' to indicate the reason for recognition. The correct phrase would be 'recognized for best satisfying.'

Last updated: March 26, 2024 • 639 views

recognized for best satisfying

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

The preposition 'for' is commonly used after 'recognized' to indicate the reason for recognition. In this context, 'recognized for best satisfying' means being acknowledged or appreciated for providing the best satisfaction.
  • Tobias started to get recognized for his television work.
  • Says here she was recognized for her fight against human trafficking and modern slavery.
  • Says here she was recognized for her fight against human trafficking and modern slavery.
  • I think I know what he wants to be recognized for.
  • Today, Officer Lindsay Monroe Messer is being recognized for an extraordinary act of heroism.
  • He likes to be recognized for selling, creative is less important.
  • I'm being officially recognized for my 15 years of service.
  • Chichester had achieved something on a heroic scale and was recognized for it.
  • - "standard message" means a predefined structure recognized for the electronic transmission of data.
  • This user is not recognized for some reason.
  • He must be getting recognized for all his contributions to show business.
  • Along with his multi-national construction empire, Chris was also recognized for his work irrigating a stretch of California wild lands.
  • I get recognized for this show more than anything I've ever done daily.
  • means a predefined structure recognized for the electronic transmission of data.
  • This is the night where everyone is recognized for their, well... let's call it work.
  • In my field, it's rare to be recognized for your work.
  • A speech, just in case he's ever recognized for an achievement.
  • I would be glad to deal with this question, as it is a problem the Commission has recognized for a number of years.
  • He likes to be recognized for selling.
  • A speech, just in case he's ever recognized for an achievement.

recognized in best satisfying

This phrase is not correct in English.

  • You should allow yourself to be recognized in that way.
  • We needed somebody who wouldn't be recognized in Austin.
  • The mythical creature recognized in Germanic cultures?
  • Debt repudiation is not recognized in the system.
  • The need to make international comparisons of prices and volumes between countries is recognized in the ESA.
  • The biggest is called "dark energy"... A cosmic phenomenon recognized in 2011 when three scientists were awarded the Nobel prize for proving its existence.
  • We have 23 official languages that are recognized in our Constitution.
  • The Slovak authorities must continue their efforts to meet the democratic standards which are recognized in other European countries.
  • Regional diversities must be recognized in all policy-making.
  • The repression of women can best be recognized in women's own behavior.
  • All organisms evolve and develop along patterns only recognized in retrospect.
  • It is not recognized in the phase of the investigation before the Commission has formulated its objections.
  • The net result on hedging operations is recognized in the profit and loss account.
  • The consequences of this are recognized in Japan; they are now being recognized in Europe.
  • Rubensteins, an early supper taken in the company of one who's well recognized in these parts.
  • In fact, it was kind of cool to be recognized in public like that.
  • The importance of the small and medium-sized enterprise (SME) sector in the economy has come to be increasingly recognized in recent years.
  • Today it is recognized - in accordance with the immense economic and social significance of the service sectors in the Internal Market - as an autonomous basic freedom.
  • Sorry, Greg, but that particular oath is no longer recognized in a court of law.
  • Mr President, the Commission is well aware of the problems encountered by ski instructors with British diplomas in having their qualifications recognized in France.

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