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consequences for vs consequences to

Both 'consequences for' and 'consequences to' are commonly used in English, but they are used in slightly different contexts. 'Consequences for' is used to indicate the impact or results that affect someone or something, while 'consequences to' is used to show the recipient of the consequences.

Last updated: March 31, 2024 • 2484 views

consequences for

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

Use 'consequences for' to indicate the impact or results that affect someone or something. It shows the relationship between an action and its effects on a person or thing.


  • The consequences for failing to meet the deadline are severe.
  • What are the consequences for breaking the rules?
  • There are serious consequences for not wearing a seatbelt.
  • The consequences for his actions were unexpected.
  • She had to face the consequences for her decisions.
  • We know the consequences for this promising sector.
  • The consequences for the landscape and land protection are devastating.
  • The loss of customs taxes could have significant consequences for useful public spending.
  • The consequences for the market would also affect other Member States.
  • This has obvious consequences for the labour market.
  • New forms of citizenship, identities and consequences for governance
  • It is not a clean source of energy and sometimes its transport has grave consequences for the environment.
  • This will clearly have consequences for the countries concerned.
  • And you need to let people know there are consequences for their behavior.
  • The Council shall record formally the withdrawal and its consequences for Euro-Argo ERIC.
  • The consequences for farm income, and by implication the agricultural budget, are difficult at this time to comprehend.
  • The consequences for workers, residents and the natural environment in the area are disastrous.
  • Things that could have very serious consequences for you.
  • The associated drop in production is having serious consequences for companies and their staff.
  • We know it will have further tragic consequences for the Palestinian people.
  • This had tremendous consequences for the evolution of human skin pigmentation.
  • These have tremendous consequences for our health.
  • The consequences for the people of Pakistan cannot be stressed enough.
  • There are consequences for those that care.
  • Because there are consequences for misleading federal agents.


  • implications for
  • ramifications for
  • results for
  • effects on
  • outcomes for

consequences to

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

Use 'consequences to' to show the recipient of the consequences. It indicates who is affected by the results or impact of a particular action.


  • The consequences to the company were devastating.
  • What are the consequences to the environment?
  • The consequences to the community were significant.
  • He never considered the consequences to his family.
  • The consequences to her health were severe.
  • There's consequences to our actions, Angie.
  • There are consequences to this accident, Jim.
  • There are consequences to such actions.
  • There are consequences to using the Collodi Bracelet.
  • The operator must establish procedures, as appropriate, so as to minimise the consequences to safe flight operations of disruptive passenger behaviour.
  • The important consequences to the mobility, autonomy, and security of the passenger must be duly taken into account.
  • Please, don't tell me there are no consequences to these things.
  • No matter the consequences to the actual family members, right?
  • These reactions concern the fact that sufficient time was not allowed immediately before elections for broad popular consultations as well as analysis of the severe consequences to women.
  • Early detection of any adverse effects attributable to a GMO will allow for more rapid reassessment and implementation of measures to reduce any consequences to the environment.
  • Priority was given to narrow economic interests of regaining export status as quickly as possible, regardless of the devastating consequences to the wider rural economy and rural communities.
  • Will the Commission investigate the serious consequences to Poland of an estimated 600000 of its citizens emigrating to the UK?
  • There are consequences to breaking the rules.
  • There are consequences to not acting.
  • Regardless of the consequences to this command.
  • There are no consequences to my actions anymore.
  • He does not care about its consequences to face.
  • A reminder to the world there are consequences to attacking our country.
  • But it also had deleterious health consequences to people.
  • I agree with what the Commissioner said about the consequences to be drawn.


  • implications to
  • ramifications to
  • results to
  • effects on
  • outcomes to

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