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amendment of vs amendment to

Both "amendment of" and "amendment to" are correct, but they are used in different contexts. "Amendment of" is used when referring to the act of changing or modifying something, while "amendment to" is used when referring to the specific document or text being modified.

Last updated: March 30, 2024 • 1984 views

amendment of

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

This phrase is used when referring to the act of changing or modifying something. For example, "The amendment of the constitution was necessary to address the new issues."
  • No Member State shall be exempted from its obligations except by an amendment of this Regulation.
  • The exclusion of the RAS option requires an amendment of paragraph 1.
  • A marketing ban had already been introduced with the sixth amendment of the cosmetics directive.
  • Evaluation results can be used to improve the budgetary procedures but only after amendment of existing legislation.
  • The comitology procedure should therefore be restricted to the amendment of secondary elements of legislation.
  • Madam President, work on the amendment of this Directive began over a year ago.
  • Cooperation between committees - amendment of title of report
  • Non-endorsement or amendment of draft regulatory technical standards
  • All actors concerned shall develop the system following the amendment of the present TSI.
  • Any subsequent amendment of the convention should be notified to all Member States concerned.
  • As you know, the Commission has repeatedly stated that it supports the amendment of this article.
  • Mr President, ladies and gentlemen, in principle I can support the proposed amendment of the Financial Regulation.
  • Marie Panayotopoulos-Cassiotou, on the legal base applicable to the amendment of the proposal for a regulation.
  • This formally requires the amendment of 20 directives and one decision.
  • A Member State may submit a request for amendment of an operational programme.
  • We are pleased that our standpoint on the amendment of paragraph 21 was listened to.
  • I voted for this amendment of the regulation since it concerns the control body.
  • Nowhere is the amendment of the Treaty more necessary than here.
  • Extensive amendment of the Commission text is therefore called for.
  • The proposal before the House involves amendment of a 1990 directive.


  • modification of
  • change of

amendment to

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

This phrase is used when referring to the specific document or text being modified. For example, "The amendment to the contract clarified the payment terms."
  • No amendment to the draft legal base under consideration would be required.
  • In conjunction with the amendment to the table of limit values.
  • An amendment to the Parliament's legislative resolution has been introduced to this effect.
  • The addition of the word "safety" reflects an amendment to the Commission's original proposal.
  • The amendment to Recital 17 is also relevant here.
  • In line with the amendment to recital 3.
  • Reinstating original Commission text and amendment to new Council text.
  • Germany has notified an amendment to the certificate accompanying the qualification of doctors.
  • Any amendment to work programmes shall be subject to the Commission's prior written agreement.
  • Linguistic amendment to the Dutch-language version.
  • The amendment to the heading applies to both.
  • My last point concerns my own amendment to Paragraph 24.
  • (See amendment to Chapter V)
  • With this in mind, we have therefore submitted an amendment to Mr Jarzembowski's report.
  • More accurate title to clarify and complement the amendment to the provision.
  • The amendment to paragraph 2 is merely for purposes of clarification.
  • This is possible with a unanimous amendment to the Treaty.
  • Any amendment to the annex would result in a substantial alteration of the scope.
  • In connection with the amendment to the regulation, the Commission is reserving the right to judge whether any international amendment to the regulations might be harmful to European maritime safety.
  • No amendment to the Thursday sitting has been proposed.


  • revision of
  • change to

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