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since i have vs since i am

Both phrases are correct, but they are used in different contexts. "Since I have" is used to indicate a period of time starting from a specific point in the past up to the present, while "since I am" is used to indicate a reason or cause for something happening in the present.

Last updated: March 30, 2024 • 1190 views

since i have

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English to indicate a period of time starting from a specific point in the past up to the present.

This phrase is used to express a duration of time that has passed from a specific point in the past up to the present. For example, "Since I have been working here, I have learned a lot."


  • Since I have been studying English, my skills have improved.
  • Since I have known her, she has always been supportive.
  • Since I have lived in this city, I have made many friends.
  • Since I have started exercising, I feel healthier.
  • Since I have been on this diet, I have lost weight.
  • And since I have already found Estela, Ramiro and Martha...
  • I'll get up now since I have something to finish.
  • Since I have a warm heart.
  • But that could prove problematic, since I have his wallet.
  • Since I have heard further of Madame de Longueville I cannot refrain from considering her as a wife.
  • Since I have CIA clearance and all.
  • Since I have failed at both piety and sobriety, yes...
  • She does this with cardboard, but since I have an expensive computer here I'll just rotate this little guy around and...
  • Anyway, I know Chris told us not to do pitches up here, but since I have all of your attention: We need investors.
  • Since I have your undivided attention, I'd like to share my thoughts about how Billy Collins' poetry is overrated and derivative.
  • I was thinking, since I have a couple days off, we could fly to Illinois and visit my parents.
  • I will perhaps go into the matter of financial controls in more detail in my closing remarks, since I have already exceeded my speaking time.
  • Since I have my new church...
  • And since I have found someone else...
  • It may be a bit choppy, since I have to translate.
  • And since I have no children...
  • Could I be considered mad since I have to write these things.
  • Since I haven't seen him in over three years.
  • In the ten years since I haven't accomplished anything.
  • It has been forever since I have been around anyone even remotely fun.


  • since I started
  • since I began
  • since I arrived
  • since I joined
  • since I took up

since i am

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English to indicate a reason or cause for something happening in the present.

This phrase is used to explain the reason or cause for a current situation or action. For example, "Since I am feeling tired, I will go to bed early."


  • Since I am the oldest, I take care of my siblings.
  • Since I am on a diet, I can't eat dessert.
  • Since I am busy, I can't attend the meeting.
  • Since I am a vegetarian, I don't eat meat.
  • Since I am not feeling well, I will stay home.
  • And since I am as crazy as you...
  • Since I am the best in my field, it would be self-destructive for me to work with someone who's beneath me.
  • And since I am his father, that should be reason enough.
  • But since I am a P.A., they may release you into my care.
  • I am delighted that the discussions are proceeding, since I am a strong supporter of EU enlargement.
  • Since I am the last speaker, I should also like to thank the President and his team, who have always worked so very hard here on Fridays.
  • Since I am a consultant and not technically an employee of the FBI...
  • Since I am an Irishman, that's not likely to bother me.
  • Since I am the majority investor in this entire operation, it's within my power to fire you and put him in charge.
  • Since I am the majority investor in this entire operation, it's within my power to fire you and put him in charge.
  • Since I am from this moment the boy's testamentary guardian,... you will address me to solve any issue.
  • He figures that since I am the way I am...
  • Okay, since I am, or was, a world-class secret agent, when we get up to his room, do actually follow my lead or...
  • That's a little unusual, since I am a Baptist minister, seminary-trained, and pastored a church for over 20 years, but it's true.
  • I've been thinking, since I am running for president of the Parents' Board, having the most popular kid at the gym is not a bad idea.
  • There was of course one dissenting voice and, since I am the only Dane speaking today, I should like to provide a little consumer information to Irish voters.
  • I should make a proper introduction since I am the captain.
  • Since I am neither, it would be inappropriate.
  • Since I am not devilish, I voted against.
  • But since I am the roommate, I can tell you she's not here.


  • because I am
  • as I am
  • due to the fact that I am
  • given that I am
  • considering that I am

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