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initiative to vs initiative for

Both 'initiative to' and 'initiative for' are commonly used phrases in English, but they are used in different contexts. 'Initiative to' is used when referring to the action or purpose behind an initiative, while 'initiative for' is used when indicating the target or beneficiary of an initiative.

Last updated: March 28, 2024 • 1005 views

initiative to

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

This phrase is used to describe the action or purpose behind an initiative. It indicates the reason or goal for taking a particular initiative.


  • The company took the initiative to reduce its carbon footprint.
  • She showed great initiative to improve the efficiency of the project.
  • Their initiative to promote recycling was well-received by the community.
  • The initiative to recast Directive 92/34 was launched in 2004.
  • It starts with a small group of Googlers taking the initiative to do something.
  • Anavar product will typically complete your initiative to construct your body.
  • You could launch an initiative to rebuild the schools damaged by the fires in california.
  • Obviously, no initiative to combat climate change can work without serious reductions in transport emissions.
  • You also have the initiative to start a cabaret, I heard.
  • The initiative to create a national park was first introduced in 1953.
  • I'd say we're disadvantaged because you showed the initiative to apply.
  • FloraHolland: GreenRail Cargo, an initiative to bring on the train the floricultural and agricultural sector.
  • The initiative to repopulate the local landscape with aurochs herds was first expressed 46 years ago.
  • The National Federation is launching an initiative to raise money to buy ambulances.
  • Not surprisingly the initiative to remain apart from some Lighted Castro.
  • Closer to home, mayoral candidate Moira Queen stumped for an initiative to revive inner city after school swim programs.
  • An initiative to integrate Woolworth lunch counters in Greensboro, North Carolina, spread throughout the south.
  • Environment launched an initiative to support eco-tourism Bmahmyat the Red Sea
  • Höss and his colleagues used their own initiative to devise new ways of killing.
  • Master Yachting supported initiative to support children in difficult life situations
  • In the economic sector, provision is made for an initiative to promote the information society.
  • The initiative to present such proposals is a prerogative of the Commission alone.
  • It is a major initiative to consolidate and enhance transatlantic relations, including both multilateral and bilateral elements.


  • effort to
  • action to
  • step to
  • move to
  • decision to

initiative for

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

This phrase is used to describe the target or beneficiary of an initiative. It indicates who or what the initiative is intended to benefit.


  • The initiative for improving education in rural areas was successful.
  • We need to take more initiative for protecting the environment.
  • She launched an initiative for supporting local businesses.
  • Your rapporteur very much welcomes this initiative for several reasons.
  • A major initiative for this year is that on employment.
  • Your draftsman welcomes the initiative for a much needed revised version of the Toy Safety Directive.
  • The Ombudsman has also taken the initiative for another concerns openness and access to documents.
  • The Commission and the Member States have now launched this initiative for benchmarking the competitive performance of European industry.
  • Okay, Milk, introduce an initiative for supervisor pay raises.
  • However, the Eurosystem supports the initiative for facilitating cross-border cash transports.
  • I very much welcome the initiative for greater transparency in the decision-making process.
  • Quite simply, I formally call on Parliament to reject this initiative for two fundamental reasons.
  • We welcome this initiative for introducing on the market a harmonisation procedure which is unanimously accepted in Europe.
  • Slovenian President Drnovšek recently submitted an initiative for the independence of Kosovo.
  • Aim and content of the initiative for a Council Decision
  • The 'initiative for democracy and human rights' has a budget of some 100 million Euro and can be allocated to projects also in countries with which no agreement exists.
  • There is one way that Europe could help, and that is by a radical deregulation of labour markets, coupled with an initiative for lower taxes.
  • Thus, in practice, albeit not formally, the Executive Board has the right of initiative for decisions by the Governing Council.
  • Last year, I took the initiative for a written declaration on this subject matter, something to which the report makes explicit reference.
  • Shortly after they were submitted in December, 13 Member States, including Romania, presented an initiative for a European Parliament and Council directive.
  • With this in mind, the initiative for a European Year of Combating Violence Against Women deserves our strong support.
  • It is interesting to note that no single initiative for the improvement of the EU patent system has received unanimous support from stakeholders.
  • Where should the initiative for such a process...


  • effort for
  • action for
  • step for
  • move for
  • decision for

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