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get her followed vs get him followed

Both phrases are correct depending on the gender of the person being followed. 'Get her followed' is used when referring to a female, while 'get him followed' is used when referring to a male. The choice between the two depends on the gender of the person being followed.

Last updated: March 21, 2024 • 907 views

get her followed

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English when referring to a female person to be followed.

This phrase is used when instructing someone to have a female individual followed or surveilled.


  • He wanted to get her followed to ensure she was safe.
  • The detective was asked to get her followed to gather more information.
  • She suspected someone was trying to get her followed.
  • The celebrity hired a security team to get her followed discreetly.
  • The police were instructed to get her followed to gather evidence.
  • You betta get her!!! followed ❤Im^Too^Gorgeous ❤, Kerry, $ G1$ LETS GET IT and 5 others. Unmute @ShawdiiReddGinn. Mute @ShawdiiReddGinn
  • Fly To Get Her followed FAKTA FAKTANYA WOW, C B S, Bekasi Blues Lovers and 8 others. Unmute @WOWFAKTA Mute @WOWFAKTA Follow Following ...
  • Here's a thing, @SarahBOfficial has a fantastic voice & should have more followers. Listen to her at http://www.sarahbutton.com & get her followed. 1 retweet 0 ...
  • Dec 4, 2012 ... Get her followed. She came 8th" Claire replied "I know! LR was 2mins off Wymans and 4mins ahead of GB youngsters. Yeh I found her on ...


  • Have her followed
  • Arrange for her to be followed
  • Get someone to follow her
  • Ensure she is being followed
  • Make sure she is under surveillance

get him followed

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English when referring to a male person to be followed.

This phrase is used when instructing someone to have a male individual followed or surveilled.


  • She decided to get him followed to find out his true intentions.
  • The boss wanted to get him followed to see if he was meeting with competitors.
  • He suspected someone was trying to get him followed.
  • The politician hired a private investigator to get him followed discreetly.
  • The security team was instructed to get him followed to ensure his safety.
  • Scratch that, I lied yesterday, Minecraft Soundtrack is great, but @syntheticorch is where it's at. Such great music. Get him followed! 1 retweet 2 likes. Reply.
  • spokeydokey @spokedoke Feb 28. This'll be not quite so sparse in future https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jasper_Stuyven … Get him followed @jasperstuyven.
  • Ayia Napa 2016 Retweeted. Taylor McConnell @TaylorMcConneII Feb 18 · @ snipermusic Absolute lad! Check him out and Get him Followed #AyiaNapa2016.
  • But it might also get him followed... Reader 1: Well, fellow wise guy, that was quite a trip. It was great traveling with you. Reader 2: Same here. And too bad ...


  • Have him followed
  • Arrange for him to be followed
  • Get someone to follow him
  • Ensure he is being followed
  • Make sure he is under surveillance

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