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intrude into my house vs intrude my house

The correct phrase is 'intrude into my house.' 'Intrude into' is the correct phrasal verb to use in this context when talking about someone entering a place without permission. 'Intrude my house' is not a common or correct construction in English.

Last updated: March 11, 2024 • 6111 views

intrude into my house

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

Use 'intrude into my house' when referring to someone entering your house without permission. 'Into' is a preposition that is necessary to complete the phrasal verb 'intrude.'


  • I can't believe someone would intrude into my house while I was away.
  • Please don't intrude into my house without asking first.
  • Jul 1, 2014 ... ... the party men should kill them and my private security will do the same thing if they intrude into my house," Chakraborty, TMC Bankura Zilla ...
  • Jul 1, 2014 ... ... the partymen should kill them and my private security will do the same thing if they intrude into my house," Chakraborty, TMC Bankura Zilla ...
  • ... my private security will do the same thing if they intrude into my house," Chakraborty, TMC Bankura Zilla Parishad Sabhadhipati , said at Monihadihi village .
  • He's not talking about if somebody came to my house to intrude into my house to harm my wife or children. That person is my enemy and I'm not to love them by ...

intrude my house

This phrase is not correct in English. 'Intrude' requires the preposition 'into' to form the correct phrasal verb.

  • ... had my sound system and gps stolen and now and again I have visitors at 3 Am in the morning looking to intrude my house, rape my fiance, ...
  • Katrina Hollebon He can intrude my house any day wink emoticon. 2 · October 2, 2014 at 3:08pm. Remove. Remove. Maree Cathcart wow! 2 · October 1, 2014 at ...
  • INTRUDE!!! My House; Geek stuff. Pin it. Like. Hats with Headlights! Shasta Trailer in aqua with built in LED lights concealed under the brim. Cool camping gear.
  • For real though guns are awesome I'm actually about to goto the gun range.Got to go every week,that way I can kill people who intrude my house. Read more ...


  • intrude into my house
  • enter my house without permission
  • trespass on my property
  • invade my home
  • violate my privacy

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