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the aim of this paper vs the aim of the paper

Both phrases are correct, but they are used in slightly different contexts. 'The aim of this paper' is more specific and refers to a particular paper being discussed, while 'the aim of the paper' is more general and can refer to any paper in a given context.

Last updated: March 25, 2024 • 1092 views

the aim of this paper

This phrase is correct and commonly used when referring to a specific paper being discussed.

This phrase is used when you want to emphasize the specific paper you are talking about. It is commonly used in academic writing or when discussing a particular research paper.


  • The aim of this paper is to investigate the effects of climate change on biodiversity.
  • I will discuss the aim of this paper in more detail during the presentation.


  • the aim of the study
  • the objective of this paper
  • the goal of this paper
  • the purpose of this paper
  • the focus of this paper

the aim of the paper

This phrase is correct and commonly used when referring to papers in a general context.

This phrase is more general and can refer to any paper in a given context. It is suitable for situations where the specific paper is not the main focus.


  • The aim of the paper is to provide an overview of current research in the field.
  • Let's discuss the aim of the paper during the meeting.
  • The aim of the White Paper is to shift freight from road to railways and waterways.
  • The aim of the Green Paper under consideration here is to draw conclusions from the global financial crisis triggered by the bankruptcy of the Lehman Brothers bank in autumn 2008 following the inappropriate securitisation of US subprime mortgages.
  • The aims of the White Paper are right: we want to improve knowledge about chemicals and we want a safer world.
  • The aim of the Green Paper, therefore, is to explore options for improving the management of bio-waste in the European Union.
  • The two-phase improvement of pedestrian safety envisaged is acceptably close to the aim of the White Paper on European Transport Policy.
  • It is in the interest of the entire Community and in line with the aims of the White Paper on Transport Policy that this large share be maintained.
  • Even to achieve the aims of the White Paper, not to speak of the still more challenging aim put forward by the committee, there has to be growth in the biomass sector in particular.
  • The aim of the Green Paper on Consumer Protection in the European Union was to define a framework directive to offset the negative aspects of business-consumer relations, namely unfair business practice.
  • The aim of the Green Paper is to identify the bottlenecks (e.g. lack of appropriate incentives, lack of information, lack of training and lack of available financing mechanisms) that currently prevent the most cost-effective improvements from being put into effect.
  • To what extent does this take into account the aims of the Green Paper 'Towards a new culture of urban mobility'?
  • I welcome your call for the financial services industry to work towards the aims of the Green Paper by self-regulation and thus reduce the need for binding legal acts.
  • The aim of the White Paper was to establish a general policy for a rational and sustainable utilisation of forest resources and to increase the forest sector's contribution to the national economy and the general development of Norwegian society.
  • The aim of the White Paper 'European Transport Policy for 2010' is to revitalise the transport of goods within the Community and to coordinate the various means of transport, by rail, road and sea, promoting short-sea shipping in particular.
  • The main aim of the White Paper is for the EU to have an ambitious and effective strategy for limiting the effects of unavoidable climate change.
  • If the aims of the OECD Working Paper of 29 May 2005 - which was adopted by both sides - can be put into practice, there would be great benefits.
  • None of those parties is calling into question the aim of the Commission's White Paper, which is to secure the sustainability of the chemical industry.
  • As regards the second aim of the Green Paper, we must strive at EU level to ensure that supplementary pension schemes, based on capitalisation, can benefit fully from the advantages of the single market.
  • In its resolutions, Parliament has already frequently pointed out that the main aim of the draft strategy papers has not been the elimination of poverty.
  • THE AIM OF THIS GREEN PAPER IS TO SEEK VIEWS from all relevant stakeholders on the future of the European Migration Network (EMN), including options for its possible tasks and structure.
  • It is clear that in Convergence regions, where EU resources are being delivered in an urban context, they should be expected to fit in with the aims of this Green Paper.


  • the aim of this paper
  • the objective of the paper
  • the goal of the paper
  • the purpose of the paper
  • the focus of the paper

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