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Fall of audience vs Drop in audience

Both 'fall of audience' and 'drop in audience' are incorrect phrases. The correct way to express this idea is 'drop in audience numbers' or 'fall in audience numbers.' These phrases are commonly used to describe a decrease in the number of people in an audience.

Last updated: March 25, 2024 • 959 views

Fall of audience

This phrase is not correct in English. It should be 'fall in audience numbers' instead.

The correct way to express a decrease in the number of people in an audience is 'fall in audience numbers.'
  • But the leading lady sits down on something and sings about what she wants in life and the audience falls in love with her and then roots for her to get it for the rest of the night.
  • I'm sure half of audience they didn't noticed.
  • And captured the imagination of audiences around the world.
  • Such culturally diverse offerings can appeal to a wide variety of audiences and markets in Europe.
  • For a certain type of audience.
  • Win the hearts of audiences the arena and will have both.
  • Tom was booed by a number of audience members.
  • We have proof that he humiliated you at least 20 times in front of audiences.
  • this level of audience whilst experimenting with your prophylactic.
  • MT: But today, I am performing for a different kind of audience.
  • It is aimed at a variety of audiences and consists of games, interactive applications, publications and an exhibition.
  • To address a variety of audiences, the members of the Governing Council take on a large number of public engagements.
  • What kind of audience watches this?
  • The Unforgiven would be a great one to be the last western for me because it captured the imagination of audiences and film critics liked it.
  • Breznev stopped concerto at half to humiliate us in front of audience
  • Xaxis houses - with 500 million individuals - the world's largest pool of audience profiles in its proprietary database.
  • The provisions of this Section shall apply to university teachers who have a right of audience before the Tribunal in accordance with Article 19 of the Statute.
  • Do not play down the complexity of audience diversity;
  • The provisions of this Chapter shall apply to university teachers who have a right of audience before the Court in accordance with Article 19 of the Statute.
  • This situation changed following the fall of Communism.


  • fall in audience numbers
  • decrease in audience size
  • decline in audience attendance
  • reduction in audience figures
  • plunge in audience turnout

Drop in audience

This phrase is not correct in English. It should be 'drop in audience numbers' instead.

The correct way to express a decrease in the number of people in an audience is 'drop in audience numbers.'
  • One week ago, HLN begins coverage of the Casey Anthony trial and Nancy's audience increases to 1.5 million viewers while "News Night"'s audience drops to 460,000, sending you from second to fifth place in the course of five days.
  • Much more of a built-in audience.
  • The emperor of Byzantium, when he received people in audience...
  • The drop in cabin pressure released the doors.
  • Four to five percent drop in felonies.
  • Only use the drops in your eyes.
  • The BSE crisis led to a drop in beef consumption and a huge drop in beef prices.
  • Turns out Hugh Hefner comes with a built-in audience - four million subscribers.
  • We ought get a fantastic look-in audience... for the assassination of Howard Beale as our opening show.
  • What makes no sense is to reduce supply and funding for supply without seeing any significant growth in audiences, which are still lacking.
  • The drop in production was linked to a drop in consumption, but it was more pronounced due to increasing imports from India and Turkey.
  • The resulting drop in Community industry's prices (by 8%), at a time when the costs of production increased by almost 2 % triggered the observed drop in profitability.
  • You really can't just drop in on a doctor.
  • Drop in a few key whispers, some damning evidence...
  • Ball drops in two hours, peanut.
  • I made the drop in the park.
  • I made the drop in the park.
  • -It's a drop in the ocean.
  • We were hoping you would drop in on the celebration, Charlie.
  • We've chosen your team for the drop-in.


  • drop in audience numbers
  • decrease in audience size
  • decline in audience attendance
  • reduction in audience figures
  • plunge in audience turnout

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