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poop vs poopy

Both 'poop' and 'poopy' are correct in informal contexts, but 'poopy' is more commonly used as an adjective to describe something as being related to or covered in poop. 'Poop' is more commonly used as a noun to refer to feces.

Last updated: March 15, 2024 • 1251 views


The word 'poop' is a common informal term for feces.

It is used as a noun to refer to feces in an informal context.


  • The dog left some poop on the sidewalk.
  • I need to clean up the poop in the backyard.
  • Otherwise... just keep an eye out for a diamond in his poop.
  • Some keep the little ones from eating their poop.
  • Everyone will poop successfully in your absence.
  • Well, they also eat their own poop.
  • I'll take that poop as a yes.
  • Maybe he just needs to poop.
  • You just scared Coach's poop!
  • He's kidding, about the poop.
  • After the teem-stress sold her my poop.
  • and slipped and fell in horse poop.
  • Frank to Frank took two foot long poop, we measured.
  • [All chuckle] Hey, guys, this is poop.
  • In my world, everyone's a pony, and they all eat rainbows and poop butterflies.
  • I want Lord Tubbington to poop candy bars.
  • Except Santa doesn't poop on the plate of cookies.
  • Some of that yogurt that makes old gals poop...
  • And I can empty my poop bag.
  • I can empty my poop bag.
  • My Father, he will poop his pants.
  • Pawnee's kids are less important than poop tubes.


  • feces
  • excrement
  • dung
  • waste


'Poopy' is a correct informal term used as an adjective to describe something as being related to or covered in poop.

It is used as an adjective to describe something as being related to or covered in poop in an informal context.


  • The baby had a poopy diaper.
  • Don't touch that, it's poopy!
  • Nov 11, 2013 ... "Who's got a poopy?" 💩. Videoprosuperstars. SubscribeSubscribedUnsubscribe 109,193. Subscription preferences. Loading... Loading.
  • poopy. a fantastic word for interupting a very intelligent and serious conversation with one another which is most affective when used completely and utterly at ...
  • Never think about cat litter again with the Poopy Cat subscription! Receive a fixed discount of 20%, pay with automatic debit and cancel or pause anytime.
  • I'm feeling poopy and just want to watch TV. noun. See poopie. Word Origin. 1957; perhaps shortening of nincompoop or euphemism for shitty, from poop ...


  • covered in poop
  • related to poop
  • soiled with feces

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