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in my way to achieving vs in my way to getting

Both phrases are correct, but they are used in slightly different contexts. 'In my way to achieving' is used when referring to reaching a goal or accomplishment, while 'in my way to getting' is used when talking about obtaining something. They are not directly comparable as they serve different purposes.

Last updated: March 22, 2024 • 1098 views

in my way to achieving

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English when referring to progress towards a goal or accomplishment.

This phrase is used to indicate progress or advancement towards achieving a specific goal or reaching a desired outcome.


  • I am in my way to achieving my dream of becoming a doctor.
  • She is well on her way to achieving success in her career.
  • We are in our way to achieving our sales targets for the year.
  • May 8, 2018 ... ... in my way to achieving those goals. Myabe is a matter of unclosed cycles, maybe not. Did you find this post helpful? 1. MontyMaverick41.
  • Do I expect to achieve all of these? The odds are against me. But, what I do have in my favor is that I know what stands in my way to achieving each one of them ...
  • Nov 11, 2019 ... No one could get in my way to achieving this goal. The greater I challenged my peers, the more I felt threatened by them. When a new person ...
  • Jan 29, 2022 ... for sure I am at the Hurdle in my way to achieving or passing the five papers required. And again certainly think that GLO LW may be more ...
  • Dec 17, 2015 ... At this point, the project is nothing more than an obstacle in my way to achieving my goal of creating the ACW Shop Class. Wish me luck and ...
  • Through conversation and written exercises, Greg has helped me identify thought patterns that were getting in my way to achieving my personal goals. Now, I ...
  • ... in my way to achieving my goal. Wondering about my progress so far? Check it out here. References. Class Dojo (n.d.). Retrieved from https://ideas.classdojo ...
  • What are the specific obstacles in my way to achieving THIS goal? #4. What are the dangers along this path to the achievement of THIS goal? #5. Who or what ...
  • Sep 3, 2020 ... ... in my way to achieving this dream. I'm going to give all I got, and will not stop fighting and grinding until I make a name for myself in ...
  • Mar 8, 2015 ... And if you're somebody who loves me, I hope that you will know that I will fail – will fail repeatedly – in my way to achieving this goal ...


  • on my way to achieving
  • making progress towards achieving
  • working towards achieving
  • progressing towards achieving
  • moving closer to achieving

in my way to getting

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English when referring to progress towards obtaining something.

This phrase is used to indicate progress or advancement towards obtaining a specific object, goal, or outcome.


  • I am in my way to getting the promotion I've been working for.
  • She is in her way to getting the job of her dreams.
  • We are in our way to getting the funding we need for the project.
  • It's the easiest way to getting money to escape.
  • We are on our way to getting our power back.
  • On your way to getting your family back.
  • But if you could see your way to getting up to date...
  • And migo did find us - On his way to getting the car to find us.
  • If I got to get out that door and you're standing in my way, you're getting out of my way.
  • Just my way of getting through the day, dear.
  • - This is my way of getting started.
  • I have my ways of getting in.
  • This is my way of getting ready.
  • That's my way of getting it out.
  • Once you're insulin-resistant, you're on your way to getting diabetes, which is what happens when your pancreas can't keep up with the resistance and make enough insulin.
  • Those responsible are Milosevic and his government, for whom things are not complicated in the least, as they are on their way to getting what they want by fire and the sword.
  • So do you think you'll make it all the way to getting your wings?
  • telling you it's the way to getting in on the ground floor for the next Disneyland.
  • see if you can find your way to getting us some children's aspirin.
  • There were more than forty United States senators on that bill as co-sponsors, so they were already a long, long way to getting the sixty votes to have it clear all the procedural hoops.
  • It's my way of getting us ready for the playoffs, which means I'm shaking up the starting line-up.
  • Before I get chased out, I force my way into getting some food first.
  • This is my way of getting back at them.


  • on my way to getting
  • progressing towards getting
  • moving towards getting
  • working towards getting
  • making progress towards getting

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