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in the case of success vs in successful case

Both phrases are correct, but they are used in different contexts. 'In the case of success' is commonly used to refer to a specific situation where success occurs, while 'in successful case' is less common and may sound awkward to native speakers. It is important to use 'in the case of success' when referring to a particular scenario of success.

Last updated: March 24, 2024 • 3362 views

in the case of success

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

This phrase is used to refer to a specific situation where success occurs. It is often used to discuss potential outcomes or scenarios.


  • In the case of success, we will move forward with the project.
  • In the case of success, the company will expand its operations.
  • We need to plan for different scenarios, including the case of success.
  • notify to the Commission the detailed information on the repayment in the case of success and define clearly what will be considered as a successful outcome of the research activities,
  • notify to the EFTA Surveillance Authority the detailed information on the repayment in the case of success and define clearly what will be considered as a successful outcome of the research activities;
  • An alternative financial mechanism could therefore have been foreseen to reimburse the public funding or under the 7th Framework Programme or under the proposed regulation in the case of an economic success (benefits for the concessionaire).
  • in the case of a success exceeding the outcome defined as successful, the Member State concerned requests payments beyond repayment of the advance amount including interest according to the applicable discount rate;
  • However, in the case of Galileo it seems to be the other way round: as the contributions constitute subsidies, the European Communities are burdening the risk whereas possible economic benefits in the case of a market success of Galileo will be only for the private partner.
  • In any case, the success of the EPAs is closely linked to the involvement of society throughout the negotiation phase.
  • In either case, the success of our lives depends on us.
  • In some cases, the success of the market represents both the rehabilitation of indigenous breeds that had been heading for extinction and of operating methods which would otherwise have been seriously at risk or would have disappeared.
  • In addition, the draft Regulation stipulates analyses into further steps with a facilitated (Comitology) procedure in case of success.
  • In the case of a successful appeal, the appeal fees or, in case of a partial success, the corresponding part of the appeal fees, shall be refunded.
  • ITP would not only have repaid only the principal but would also have avoided paying an extra fee in case of success.
  • In its letter of 25 February 2008, ITP notes that it had applied for a 'reimbursable loan in case of success of the project'.
  • We can usually only report isolated cases of success in care homes for mental health patients, while home healthcare and community-based services are actually much more humanistic, better compatible with human rights and more cost-effective.
  • In the case of internal investigations, for example, one indicator of success could be based on the measures taken by the Institutions to follow up OLAF's activities (precautionary measures or measures to improve control).
  • in case of partial success, the Member State requires that the repayment secured is in proportion to the degree of success achieved.
  • Hence, in the case of agricultural exports from sub-Saharan Africa, gender inequality reduces the success of trade.
  • Success rates in the case of some diseases are on the increase, as is spending on running healthcare systems.
  • In the case of the American energy market, liberalisation was far from being a success.
  • In the case of the top teams, it is precisely these talents who then sit on the bench if they fail to achieve rapid sporting success.
  • Not applicable in the case of bluetongue.


  • If successful
  • In the event of success
  • Should success occur
  • In the event of a successful outcome
  • In the event of a positive result

in successful case

This phrase is correct but less common in English.

This phrase can be used to refer to a situation where success has been achieved, but it may sound awkward to native speakers. It is not as commonly used as 'in the case of success.'
  • Let us therefore allow the people 'on the ground' to put their ideas into practice, according to the local we should surely help them, in successful cases, to disseminate their methods.
  • Such approaches have been successful in some cases in achieving the desired result.
  • We were only successful in one case and that was the stoning of women.
  • The combination of environmental concerns, economic interests and governmental reluctance makes this a complex task, but we have been relatively successful in this case.
  • In this respect, short-term crisis support measures taken so far - specifically those supporting an adjustment in hours worked - have been successful in some cases in reducing employment losses.
  • Our internal strategy has in any case been successful.
  • It was successful in Nathan's case.
  • I am delighted that a package has been worked out which involves international cooperation, for only international cooperation will be successful in this case.
  • This can be of central importance to potential claimants, since it also offers a successful remedy in cases where the Commission has already declared the aid compatible with the common market.
  • In the case of successful candidates, certificates should be issued in a format which is familiar both to employers and to educational establishments.
  • Without prejudice to VI.3, the security referred to in I.1 shall in the case of successful tenderers and at the time of the application referred to in V.6.2 become the security for the export licence.
  • What services or goods were to be supplied by the successful tenderer in this case?
  • The letter is accompanied by an ESR, except in the case of successful first stage applicants in a two-stage procedure, as described in Annex C. The letter and ESR may also be sent by paper.
  • (b) in the case of successful tenderers who have not applied for the relevant export licence within the period referred to in the second subparagraph of Article 11(2), at a rate of EUR 10 per 100 kilograms of white sugar;
  • the measure provides that in case of successful outcome the advance is repaid with an interest rate at least equal to the applicable rate resulting from the application of the Commission notice on the method of setting the reference and discount rates (43);
  • in the case of successful tenderers who have not applied for the relevant export licence within the period referred to in the second subparagraph of Article 11(2), at a rate of EUR 10 per 100 kilograms of white sugar;
  • This is probably his most successful case of single-set location because it's such a rich, varied, complex set.
  • You look like a woman about to make a successful case for building a cancer lab and research center.
  • If the European citizens write to us to turn to us for help, and Member States fail, a successful case before the European Court of Justice would enhance Parliament's role in the examination of petitions.
  • Calls on the Member States to set up web pages linked to the European SOLVIT portal, featuring a compilation of successful cases and of best practice with regard to settling disputes by means of this mechanism;


  • In the successful scenario
  • In the case of a successful outcome
  • In the event of a successful result
  • If the case is successful
  • In the event of success

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