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decision on your candidacy vs decision on your candidature

Both 'decision on your candidacy' and 'decision on your candidature' are correct phrases, but they are used in different contexts. 'Candidacy' is more commonly used in American English, while 'candidature' is more common in British English. The choice between the two would depend on the regional preference or the specific audience you are addressing.

Last updated: March 15, 2024 • 2416 views

decision on your candidacy

This phrase is correct and commonly used, especially in American English.

This phrase is used when referring to a decision made regarding someone's suitability for a position or role.


  • The committee will make a decision on your candidacy after the interviews.
  • Please wait for the board's decision on your candidacy before making any further plans.
  • ... or deny you at this juncture, so they defer making a decision on your candidacy until they can consider you in the larger pool of regular decision applicants.
  • Jan 28, 2015 ... ... to us, the midyear grades you will report, and the overall strength of our applicant pool to aid us in making a final decision on your candidacy.
  • If you are deferred under the Early Decision plan, it means a final decision on your candidacy will be made with the regular applicant pool, and you will be ...
  • Many of the top MBA programs use the interview as a final step before making their decision on your candidacy. Clear Admit will work with you to develop your ...


  • decision regarding your candidacy
  • decision about your candidacy
  • decision concerning your candidacy
  • decision on your application
  • decision on your nomination

decision on your candidature

This phrase is correct but less common, especially in British English.

This phrase is used when referring to a decision made regarding someone's application or suitability for a position or role.


  • The panel will announce their decision on your candidature next week.
  • Have you received any feedback on the decision on your candidature?
  • Sep 16, 2014 ... ... you use profanity, swear, or use inappropriate words, you are instantaneously judged and the decision on your candidature is already made.
  • decision on your candidature. The admissions committee will review. your application and come to one of the. following decisions: APPLICATION REVIEW.
  • Apr 28, 2015 ... These are standard questions companies ask to obtain information essential for their decision on your candidature. You don't need to get ...
  • You can start the application process with that report but the schools will not take decision on your candidature until they receive the official score. Official report ...


  • decision regarding your candidature
  • decision about your candidature
  • decision concerning your candidature
  • decision on your application
  • decision on your nomination

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