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feedback from vs feedback by

Both 'feedback from' and 'feedback by' are correct and commonly used in English, but they are used in different contexts. 'Feedback from' is used to indicate the source of the feedback, while 'feedback by' is used to indicate the person or entity providing the feedback.

Last updated: March 15, 2024 • 4349 views

feedback from

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English to indicate the source of the feedback.

Use 'feedback from' when you want to specify the origin or source of the feedback received.


  • I received some valuable feedback from my teacher.
  • We gathered feedback from our customers to improve our product.
  • The feedback from the survey was overwhelmingly positive.
  • She appreciated the feedback from her colleagues.
  • The feedback from the audience was mixed.
  • Good feedback from customer side on the first education sessions
  • TechnoAlpin has been listening to the initial feedback from its customers.
  • The feedback from participants was also superb.
  • The moderator Dr. Matthias Müller was not surprised by the excellent feedback from those attending.
  • Gets all his feedback from reluctant dinner guests.
  • This approach can be used to obtain feedback from different segments of your audience.
  • The feedback from the customers has also been extraordinarily positive.
  • The Mini-DebConf went well, and feedback from attendees was universally positive.
  • The first was the feedback from my cousins.
  • Possibility of feedback from the users.
  • Report on proposed ways of making better use of feedback from visitors
  • Email customer surveys are a great way to get feedback from customers about your services and products.
  • 's role is it as a distributor of feedback from bathing guest and property.
  • Chillventa 2014: very good feedback from the industry
  • Detailed answers to 30 questions based on over 28 years of research, personal experience and feedback from fellow survivors of follicular lymphoma.
  • For those with dietary restrictions an alternative menu can be arranged We meet daily with the catering manager to discuss menu changes and feedback from students.
  • Fellow members can also comment on user reviews to further encourage feedback from visitors to the islands.
  • Here are a few years that we have feedback from our customers on this reference (thanks to them; o)...
  • Phicorp needs feedback from medical staff.
  • Phicorp needs feedback from medical staff.


  • input from
  • comments from
  • response from
  • opinions from
  • reactions from

feedback by

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English to indicate the person or entity providing the feedback.

Use 'feedback by' when you want to specify the person or entity giving the feedback.


  • The feedback by the experts was very insightful.
  • We appreciate the feedback by our customers.
  • The feedback by the committee was unanimous.
  • The feedback by the teacher was constructive.
  • The feedback by the audience was positive.
  • Coaching Feedback by Mannie, Ken / Coach and Athletic Director. Force feedback has been on the radar screen of game developers for several years, but is ...
  • Feedback by Robison Wells is the sequel to the fantastic YA sci-fi thriller Variant, and as far as YA sequels go, this one is pretty good. This is far from a ...
  • Oct 13, 2014 ... Give Better Feedback by Using "And" Instead of "But". When you're trying to give good feedback, you can often negate your efforts by adding a ...
  • Feedback by Tweet @feedback · 4 Mar 2014. Do you think photos make Tweets more noticeable or interesting? Why do you add photos to your Tweets?


  • input by
  • comments by
  • response by
  • opinions by
  • reactions by

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