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the journey to vs the journey in

Both "the journey to" and "the journey in" are correct, but they are used in different contexts. "The journey to" is used to indicate the destination or goal of a journey, while "the journey in" is used to describe the experience or circumstances during a journey.

Last updated: March 24, 2024 • 993 views

the journey to

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English to indicate the destination or goal of a journey.

This phrase is used to specify the place or purpose of a journey, indicating the destination or goal that is being traveled towards.


  • The journey to Paris was long but worth it.
  • We are planning the journey to the mountains next weekend.
  • She embarked on the journey to self-discovery.
  • Their journey to success was filled with challenges.
  • The journey to becoming a doctor requires years of study.
  • Climate change will exacerbate the situation, with even more refugees attempting the journey to Europe.
  • At foot speed the journey to the city will take 1.2 hours.
  • You know, the journey to find love is a difficult one.
  • Today, with me you begin the journey to discover the goddess that lies within.
  • For the following categories of citizens of the Republic of Albania the following documents are sufficient for justifying the purpose of the journey to the other Party:
  • For the following categories of nationals of Bosnia and Herzegovina the following documents are sufficient for justifying the purpose of the journey to the other Party:
  • the journey to enlightenment is stressful.
  • The next descent is the journey to the world of substances.
  • You've had the journey to think about, Baxter, and I accept your condition.
  • It prepares the spirit for the journey to the House of Donn, or Heaven, you might call it.
  • Most definitely, but only after you take the journey to your soul!
  • After a short period in Drancy, with permission having been granted from Berlin, the children were collected together to begin the journey to the East.
  • When you have lived as long as I, you no longer fear the journey to the next world.
  • If the journey to Earth is long, on the order of centuries or even millennia, the mother ship would be much more than just an aircraft carrier.
  • Travelling through Fiorito to Maradona's house looked to me like the journey to the setting of my first feature film DO YOU REMEMBER DOLLY BELL?
  • And the journey to that place of understanding and acceptance has been an interesting one for me, and it's given me an insight into the whole notion of self, which I think is worth sharing with you today.
  • I mean, the journey to enlightenment is a long trip and that's the way it is, you know?
  • The cheapest but most inconvenient solution is to break the journey to buy tickets at Belgrade station, or possibly at Zagreb or Ljubljana.
  • For great has the journey to black Yuggoth been, now it be conjoined, and thither shall mankind go to share in the nameless and unspoken rites of Shub-Niggurath.
  • For the following categories of citizens of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia the following documents are sufficient for justifying the purpose of the journey to the other Party:


  • the trip to
  • the travel to
  • the voyage to
  • the expedition to

the journey in

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English to describe the experience or circumstances during a journey.

This phrase is used to describe the experience, conditions, or circumstances within a journey, focusing on what happens during the journey.


  • The journey in the desert was challenging.
  • She found peace during the journey in the countryside.
  • Their journey in the rain was unforgettable.
  • He discovered his passion for photography during the journey in Asia.
  • The journey in the old car was full of surprises.
  • The relief referred to in Article 107 shall also apply to the lubricants present in the motor vehicles and required for their normal operation during the journey in question.
  • The journey out will be more dignified than the journey in.
  • This measure is necessary to cope with emergencies during the journey in an unfamiliar area where a foreign language is spoken in order to organise help as quickly as possible.
  • Anyone who's car broke down would have to complete the journey in a Beetle.
  • You start the journey in fear and spend every day trying to keep that unknown threat at bay.
  • Sometimes you need the journey in order to see what was right in front of you the whole time.
  • confirming payment for the ecopoints for the journey in question, modelled on Annex A and known as the 'ecocard'.
  • The driver returns the journey form to the undertaking which delivered it at the end of the journey in question.
  • The focus in the first alternative is on maximum information about the continuation of the journey in other Member States, availability of cross-border transport tickets and good, long-distance connections, so that nasty surprises during the journey can be avoided.
  • The EESC welcomes the provisions on passenger information before, during and after the journey (Annex I). In particular, lack of information before and during the journey in the event of a delay regularly causes considerable annoyance to customers.
  • Is it aware that, as a consequence, the person with the reservation is forced to try to buy the missing accompanying ticket during the journey in the country concerned, en route from the conductor or at a station during a break in the journey?
  • a duly completed standard form or an Austrian certificate confirming payment of the ecopoints for the journey in question, modelled on Annex A, hereinafter referred to as 'the ecocard';or
  • (a) a duly completed standard form or an Austrian certificate confirming payment of the ecopoints for the journey in question, modelled on Annex B, hereinafter referred to as "the ecocard"; or
  • (a) a duly completed standard form or an Austrian certificate confirming payment of the ecopoints for the journey in question, modelled on Annex A, hereinafter referred to as 'the ecocard'; or


  • the experience in
  • the adventure in
  • the trip in
  • the travel in

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