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hoping for your kind consideration vs thank you for your kind consideration

Both phrases are correct, but they are used in different contexts. 'Hoping for your kind consideration' is typically used at the end of a request or favor, while 'Thank you for your kind consideration' is used to express gratitude after someone has considered something. They are not directly comparable as they serve different purposes.

Last updated: March 17, 2024 • 2679 views

hoping for your kind consideration

This phrase is correct and commonly used at the end of a request or favor to politely ask for someone's consideration.

This phrase is used to politely request someone's consideration or attention after making a request or asking for a favor.

Some examples from our editors:

  • I hope you will take my request into consideration. Hoping for your kind consideration.
  • Hoping for your kind consideration in this matter.
  • Your prompt response is greatly appreciated. Hoping for your kind consideration.
  • Please let me know your thoughts on this proposal. Hoping for your kind consideration.
  • I understand it's a busy time for you. Hoping for your kind consideration.
  • May 30, 2020 ... If you have asked for a favour, you could say 'hoping for your kind consideration' as there is an emphasis on kindness. For example a ...
  • Jan 20, 2022 ... "Hoping for your consideration" vs "Hoping for your kind consideration". Does using the word "kind" here is formal or it's more like a ...
  • Jun 4, 2021 ... Hoping for your kind consideration- This is a polite way to ask that someone thinks carefully about a request. You can add following phrase ...
  • Mar 9, 2022 ... Do I need to change the model completely or add some new constraints and variables ? Hoping for your kind consideration. Yours sincerely,. Dilip ...
  • Feb 14, 2020 ... Is “hoping for your kind consideration” correct? You don't ask someone for their “kind” consideration because you're expecting them not to ...
  • 354.5M posts. Discover videos related to Hoping for Your Kind Consideration on TikTok.
  • Aug 13, 2020 ... ... future projects to my previous client. I do not want my account to be hold. I am hoping for your kind consideration. 0 Upvotes. Reply. All ...
  • Jun 12, 2019 ... I got a lot of confirmed… But I wonder why my account was “UNDER REVIEW” now. Please hoping for your kind consideration… Please help me back ...
  • I really need to get one. Hoping for your kind consideration. Thank you. Sincerely,. Aaron Paul DG. Barsana.
  • Sep 12, 2020 ... Hoping for your kind consideration. You must log in or register to reply here. Similar threads. M. Solved Form Filter and RecordSource Don't ...

Some alternatives from our editors:

  • I hope you will consider my request.
  • I appreciate your consideration.
  • I kindly ask for your consideration.
  • Your attention to this matter is appreciated.
  • Your understanding is greatly valued.

thank you for your kind consideration

This phrase is correct and commonly used to express gratitude after someone has considered something or shown kindness.

This phrase is used to express gratitude to someone for considering a request, showing kindness, or taking something into account.


  • Thank you for your kind consideration of my application.
  • I appreciate your time and effort. Thank you for your kind consideration.
  • Your support means a lot to me. Thank you for your kind consideration.
  • I am grateful for your understanding. Thank you for your kind consideration.
  • Thank you for your kind consideration in this matter.
  • Thank you for your kind blessings.
  • I wanted to thank you for your kind recommendation.
  • Thank you for your kind words, chancellor.
  • Thank you for your kind words with the bank today.
  • I also want to thank you for your kind words about my business proposition.
  • Thank You for Your kind heart and the hospitality.
  • Thank you for your kind attention.
  • Madam President, thank you for your kind words.
  • Thank you for your kind invitation, Mr Titley.
  • Mr President, thank you for your kind words of introduction.
  • Thank you for your kind words, Mr Bolkestein.
  • I thank you for your kind words.
  • Thank you for your kind words, Mr President.
  • Mr President, thank you for your kind words.
  • Thank you for your kind remarks.
  • Thank you for your kind attention.
  • Mrs Neyts-Uyttebroeck, thank you for your kind words.
  • Thank you for your kind treatment of us, Mr President.
  • Thank you for your kind words.
  • Thank you for your kind answer, Commissioner.


  • Thank you for your consideration.
  • I appreciate your kindness.
  • Your thoughtfulness is appreciated.
  • Thank you for taking the time to consider this.
  • Your support is greatly valued.

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