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dangerous for vs danger to

Both 'dangerous for' and 'danger to' are correct, but they are used in different contexts. 'Dangerous for' is used to indicate something that poses a risk or threat to a specific person or thing, while 'danger to' is used to indicate something that poses a risk or threat in a more general sense.

Last updated: March 25, 2024 • 1284 views

dangerous for

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

Use 'dangerous for' when you want to indicate that something poses a risk or threat to a specific person or thing. For example, 'The chemicals are dangerous for your health.'


  • The situation is dangerous for children.
  • The icy roads are dangerous for driving.
  • The area is dangerous for tourists.
  • The food is dangerous for people with allergies.
  • The job is dangerous for inexperienced workers.
  • This neighborhood is too dangerous for deliveries.
  • No. This is too dangerous for them.
  • Dylan may be just a little too dangerous for him.
  • - She's too dangerous for you.
  • Substances shall be classified as dangerous for the environment in accordance with the criteria set out below.
  • recommended for all substances classified dangerous for the environment not covered above.
  • They said I was too dangerous for the Pawnee Police Department.
  • Because it is dangerous for his recovery.
  • Look, it's gotten too dangerous for Juliette.
  • Awfully dangerous for a guy who's supposed to be dead.
  • It is dangerous for those of us with magic.
  • Guardian Angel is going to make it dangerous for Aaron Voss.
  • This woman is dangerous for you and your family.
  • It's too dangerous for you here.
  • It's dangerous for Natalie and Clara if I hang around.
  • It is extremely dangerous for you up there.
  • It's too dangerous for a little girl.
  • I think you're a little too dangerous for me.
  • This attitude of yours is dangerous for all of us.
  • This is too dangerous for a Kerseite Schlich Kennen.


  • harmful to
  • risky for
  • unsafe for
  • detrimental to
  • perilous for

danger to

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

Use 'danger to' when you want to indicate that something poses a risk or threat in a more general sense. For example, 'The storm is a danger to the entire region.'


  • The wildfire poses a danger to the nearby homes.
  • The new policy is a danger to the company's reputation.
  • The slippery floor is a danger to everyone in the building.
  • The virus is a danger to public health.
  • The exposed wires are a danger to anyone nearby.
  • Unless they present a danger to themselves or others.
  • She's a danger to herself right now.
  • - The danger to the cavalry...
  • They are a danger to public health and the environment.
  • In three days, the danger to the temple could be doubled.
  • They present a clear danger to hard working American citizens.
  • The man's a danger to himself and to everyone around him.
  • Well, he was a danger to Kim.
  • I'm no danger to anyone.
  • They're saying you're a danger to children.
  • I'm a danger to myself.
  • You're a danger to my family.
  • The man's a danger to every citizen.
  • You're not a danger to society.
  • Dr. Thomas, you're a danger to our patients.
  • He is of no danger to you.
  • He is a danger to our business.
  • Rest assured, Burroughs no longer presents a danger to you.
  • [Yelling] The greatest danger to American freedom...
  • He's a danger to all of us.


  • threat to
  • risk to
  • hazard to
  • peril to
  • menace to

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