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the column a vs column a

Both 'the column a' and 'column a' can be correct depending on the context. 'The column a' is used when referring to a specific column in a particular context, while 'column a' is more general and can be used when discussing columns in a more abstract or general sense.

Last updated: March 25, 2024 • 1125 views

the column a

This phrase is correct when referring to a specific column in a particular context.

Use 'the column a' when you want to refer to a specific column, for example, in a table or chart. It helps to specify which column you are talking about.


  • In the table, the column A represents the sales figures for the first quarter.
  • Please check the data in the column A for any discrepancies.
  • The information in the column A is crucial for our analysis.
  • After filling a solid plug of silanized glass wool is pressed into the other end of the packed column, the protruding ends are cut off and the plug pressed into the column a few millimetres with a spatula.
  • The column should contain a glass wool plug.
  • You have more chance alone, to find the column, a trail.
  • Gets the columns of a matrix as a horizontal vector
  • The column should contain a glass-wool plug.
  • The column should contain a glass-wool plug.
  • The COLUMNS function returns the number of columns in a reference.
  • For each entry in the first two columns a rule is specified in column 3.
  • Thermostatic chamber for the columns, equipped with a temperature programmer.
  • Member States shall apply the codes of column A or a combination of the code numbers in column A and their subdivisions in column B indicated in this list.
  • Elute the methyl benzoquate from the column using 150 ml of methanesulfonic acid solution (3.4) and collect the column eluate in a 250 ml conical flask.
  • For each entry in the first two columns a rules is specified in column 3 or 4.
  • It must multiply this difference by the appropriate factor in column A of Table 1 in order to calculate its capital requirement.
  • It must multiply this difference by the appropriate factor in column A of the table appearing in paragraph 2 in order to calculate its capital requirement.
  • Import duties on imports shall be either eliminated or reduced to the level indicated in column A.
  • The column is fixed on a stand and completely filled with the dimethyldichlorosilane solution by means of a pipette.
  • In part A the columns for benthiavalicarb and forchlorfenuron aredeleted.
  • In part A the columns for butralin, chlorotoluron and trinexapac are deleted;
  • in Part A the column for amidosulfuron is deleted;
  • In Part A the columns for dimoxystrobin and metrafenone are deleted.


  • the first column
  • the initial column
  • the leftmost column
  • the primary column
  • the starting column

column a

This phrase is correct when discussing columns in a more general or abstract sense.

Use 'column a' when you are talking about columns in a general way, without specifying a particular context or table. It is more suitable for theoretical or abstract discussions.


  • Column A is typically used for entering customer names.
  • When designing a database, consider the properties of column A.
  • The report compares the data in column A with that in column B.
  • In this column a herd must not be counted twice even if has been checked more than once.
  • In this column a herd should not be counted twice even if it has been checked more than once.
  • Customs duties are eliminated or reduced as indicated in column a.
  • Import duties on imports are either eliminated or reduced to the level indicated in column a, within the limit of the annual tariff quota listed in column b, and subject to the specific provisions indicated in column e.
  • In this column a herd should not be counted twice even if has been checked more than once.
  • Import duties on imports are either eliminated or reduced to the level indicated in column a, within the limit of the annual tariff quota listed in column b, and subject to the specific provisions indicated in column c.
  • For those products originating in the European Community listed in Table 3, applied ad valorem customs duties shall be bound within the limit listed in column a and applied specific duties shall be bound within the limits listed in column b.
  • To calculate the amount to be recovered from or paid to the Member State, the amount considered is either the total of the annual declaration for cleared expenditure (column a) or the aggregate of the monthly declarations for disjoined expenditure (column b).
  • The colostrum and colostrum-based products can only be introduced into the European Union from countries authorised in column A.
  • It must multiply this difference by the appropriate factor in column A of Table 1 in order to calculate its capital requirement.
  • Member States shall ensure that sets of bathing water quality data are compiled through the monitoring of the parameters set out in Annex I, column A.
  • It must multiply this difference by the appropriate factor in column A of the table appearing in paragraph 2 in order to calculate its capital requirement.
  • Processing activities on processor's own account are not covered by this item, they should be registered under item 1 of column A.
  • Import duties on imports shall be either eliminated or reduced to the level indicated in column A.
  • Processing activities on a processor's own account are not covered by this item and should be registered under item 1 of column A.
  • Column A: total annual emissions <= 50 ktonnes
  • Member States shall ensure that the parameters set out in column A of Annex I are monitored in accordance with Annex IV.
  • On the basis of the monitoring of parameters 1 and 2 in column A of Annex I Members States shall establish sets of water quality data.
  • Member States shall ensure that monitoring of the parameters set out in Annex I, column A, takes place in accordance with Annex IV.
  • Member States may introduce monitoring of the parameters set out in Annex I, column A, during the first full bathing season following the entry into force of this Directive.


  • column one
  • the first column
  • the initial column
  • the leftmost column
  • the primary column

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