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attached the find vs find attached the

Both phrases are correct, but they are used in different contexts. 'Find attached the' is a more formal and traditional way of stating that something is attached, while 'Attached please find' is a more common and modern way of expressing the same idea.

Last updated: March 23, 2024 • 1746 views

attached the find

This phrase is correct and can be used in a formal context to indicate that something is attached.

This phrase is a more traditional way of stating that something is attached. It is commonly used in formal written communication.


  • Attached the document you requested.
  • Attached the file for your review.
  • Attached the invoice for payment.
  • Attached the report as requested.
  • Attached the image you need.
  • Please find attached the European Health Insurance Card with number: ... as requested in section 7
  • For a detailed description of the situation please find attached the technical report drawn up by Professor G. B. De Medici and Professor F. Ortolani of Naples University on 7 February 2009.
  • Please find attached my new OpenPGP certificate.
  • Please find attached two annexes with details of some of these crimes (source: LGBT Human Rights Platform Turkey).
  • I thank them all the more, because in our somewhat beleaguered position, we non-attached members find it practically impossible to table motions, which is why we particularly welcome initiatives such as this.
  • In the style of that timeless literary creation Mr William Wonka, you'll find attached to each essay, a golden ticket.
  • Delegations will find attached a draft of the final compromise text for a new procedure resulting from the meeting of the Permanent Representatives Committee on 8 June 2006.
  • As non-attached Members, we find it particularly difficult to collect the requisite signatures, as you know.
  • The Honourable Member will find attached a table showing the distribution by nationality of grade AD staff at the Council General Secretariat.
  • An old stove maker once told me that when he repairs chimneys, he finds them attached to the vents motionless like larvae.
  • I've attached the project plan modifications.
  • At least I can show a little leg where they attached the catheter.
  • Once you've attached the rope, you won't fall.
  • Tom attached the string to the kite.
  • I attached the sound file for you to check out.
  • So we re-attached the stove pipe and went to see how the Eagle i-Thrust would perform in the fearsome steep - hill test.
  • So we re-attached the stove pipe and went to see how the Eagle i-Thrust would perform in the fearsome steep - hill test.
  • Knowing as we do how tough competition is, particularly in road transport, we attached the highest importance to these regulatory measures.
  • The Commission has also attached the utmost importance to a full and prompt implementation by all parties of UN Security Council Resolution 1559.
  • In this report, we have attached the utmost importance to the question of the role played by women in the work done.


  • Find attached the
  • Attached please find the
  • Attached is the
  • Attached herewith the
  • Attached for your reference is the

find attached the

This phrase is correct and is commonly used in modern written communication to indicate that something is attached.

This phrase is a more modern and common way of stating that something is attached. It is often used in emails and other informal written communication.


  • Find attached the document you requested.
  • Find attached the file for your review.
  • Find attached the invoice for payment.
  • Find attached the report as requested.
  • Find attached the image you need.
  • Please find attached the European Health Insurance Card with number: ... as requested in section 7
  • For a detailed description of the situation please find attached the technical report drawn up by Professor G. B. De Medici and Professor F. Ortolani of Naples University on 7 February 2009.
  • Delegations will find attached a draft of the final compromise text for a new procedure resulting from the meeting of the Permanent Representatives Committee on 8 June 2006.
  • The Honourable Member will find attached a table showing the distribution by nationality of grade AD staff at the Council General Secretariat.
  • An old stove maker once told me that when he repairs chimneys, he finds them attached to the vents motionless like larvae.
  • Please find attached my new OpenPGP certificate.
  • Please find attached two annexes with details of some of these crimes (source: LGBT Human Rights Platform Turkey).
  • In the style of that timeless literary creation Mr William Wonka, you'll find attached to each essay, a golden ticket.
  • The Honourable Member will find a complete copy attached to this answer.
  • Well, I did find a video file attached to an incoming text.
  • I thank them all the more, because in our somewhat beleaguered position, we non-attached members find it practically impossible to table motions, which is why we particularly welcome initiatives such as this.
  • Please find 2 documents attached: my letter withdrawing the claim addressed to the President of the EU General Court, and the confirmation from the post that the letter has been indeed sent.
  • I've attached the project plan modifications.
  • At least I can show a little leg where they attached the catheter.
  • Once you've attached the rope, you won't fall.
  • Tom attached the string to the kite.
  • I attached the sound file for you to check out.
  • So we re-attached the stove pipe and went to see how the Eagle i-Thrust would perform in the fearsome steep - hill test.
  • So we re-attached the stove pipe and went to see how the Eagle i-Thrust would perform in the fearsome steep - hill test.
  • Knowing as we do how tough competition is, particularly in road transport, we attached the highest importance to these regulatory measures.


  • Attached please find the
  • Attached is the
  • Attached herewith the
  • Attached for your reference is the
  • Please find attached the

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