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decline of dollar vs decline of depreciation

The phrases 'decline of dollar' and 'decline of depreciation' are not directly comparable as they refer to different concepts. 'Decline of dollar' typically means a decrease in the value of the U.S. dollar, while 'decline of depreciation' seems to be a combination of two terms that do not make sense together. It would be more appropriate to compare 'decline of dollar' with 'depreciation of the dollar.'

Last updated: March 31, 2024 • 755 views

decline of dollar

This phrase is correct and commonly used to refer to a decrease in the value of the U.S. dollar.

This phrase is used to describe a situation where the value of the U.S. dollar decreases in comparison to other currencies or assets.


  • The decline of the dollar against the euro is affecting import prices.
  • Investors are concerned about the recent decline of the dollar.
  • Most importantly, a disruptive decline of the US dollar (or a disruptive appreciation of the Chinese renminbi) could hinder not only China's growth, but also global recovery.
  • This is plausible in terms of a future decline in the dollar's importance as a reserve asset and safe haven.
  • There is also the risk of a disruptive decline in the dollar, which could prompt investors to flee US debt.
  • As a result, whenever the US dollar declines, China's net international-investment position (the difference between its external financial assets and liabilities) deteriorates - and so does its investment-income balance.
  • Net interest income has decreased compared with 2002, primarily due to the further decline in both US dollar and euro interest rates during the year.
  • Much has been written, and many hands wrung, about the dollar's decline over the last four decades, but the fact remains that holdings of US dollar assets by foreigners today are vastly greater than they were in 1971.
  • But the reason for the decline of the euro against the US dollar lies primarily in the international finance markets' lack of confidence in the economic policies of our large Member States.
  • Hundreds of thousands of dollars, Michael.
  • Escobar is prepared to contribute millions of dollars.
  • Gangsters robbed a bank of thousands of dollars.
  • Ubient is hemorrhaging millions of dollars an hour.
  • The big laboratories spend millions of dollars.
  • Filled with artwork worth millions of dollars.
  • Actual title, River of Dollars.
  • He also destroyed billions of dollars Of taxpayer-funded property.
  • He's got millions of dollars and a team of lawyers.
  • This idea potentially worth millions of dollars.
  • A successful congressional campaign can cost millions of dollars.
  • International investments represent thousands of billions of dollars a year.
  • Millions of dollars flow in undetected.


  • depreciation of the dollar
  • weakening of the dollar
  • fall of the dollar
  • dollar devaluation
  • dollar depreciation

decline of depreciation

This phrase is not a common or correct construction in English. 'Depreciation' already implies a decline or decrease, so adding 'decline of' before it is redundant and confusing.

  • Method of depreciation for airport constructing companies set out by Article 26(8) of Law 2093/1992.
  • Individual items costing EUR 20000 or more are only eligible on the basis of depreciation.
  • He shall propose to the Special Committee the relevant rate of depreciation as necessary.
  • The rate of depreciation can, in certain cases, be geometric.
  • Items are shown net of depreciation totalling ECU 231,382, all of which was charged to the Profit and Loss Account for 1994.
  • These changes should have a direct decreasing effect on the labour and energy costs and could offset the increases for the cost of depreciation.
  • The method of depreciation is as follows:
  • Alternatively, costs for the abovementioned equipment may be eligible on the basis of depreciation in accordance with national rules.
  • Capital increase and waived loan (coverage of depreciation on-balance-sheet assets)
  • It is calculated on the basis of the replacement value at that time and the period of depreciation still to run.
  • The criterion for choosing among the alternative approaches is how closely they are likely to approximate an economic measure of depreciation.
  • A variety of depreciation methods can be used to allocate the depreciable amount of an asset on a systematic basis over its useful life.
  • It is very difficult to compete with China's subsidised production due to the imbalanced exchange rate, bank lending policies, absence of depreciation deductions and tax policy.
  • What has been revoked is the possibility of remedying an unintended effect of depreciation of greenhouses, which are now defined as buildings.
  • The systems must permit the drawing of the periodic inventories to check accounting entries and the calculation of depreciation.
  • Relationship of depreciation and other operating costs
  • There is a sharp decline of the foreign activity that was over 100000t in 97.
  • A decline of hypertrophic lakes was also noticed.
  • It's the decline of civilization as we know it.
  • Thus began the decline of civilization.

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